Starting a little Ricordea garden

Also, have any of you ever fragged a Ric before by cutting one into 4 four pieces? I've don't it successfully with the Hairy Mushrooms that I have. I would imagine it would be very similar with the Ric. I don't know because I can't bring myself to cut such a beautiful thing.
Krzy, is that Yuma rock from LA? And I can't believe it but my light and dark blue rics are already splitting!

No, the Yuma I got local. When ever I go the a LFS it always takes me some time to find the good stuff like Ricordia or Yuma. It's like it's always hiding or something. I look over the tanks 3-4 times and then there it is. The LFS usually have crappy lighting and bad water quality so they look different in there tanks. I have always loved Ricordia and always search for it and the Yuma. It's cool when they spilt huh? It looks like there tearing. I just cut it with scissors and bam!
Also, have any of you ever fragged a Ric before by cutting one into 4 four pieces? I've don't it successfully with the Hairy Mushrooms that I have. I would imagine it would be very similar with the Ric. I don't know because I can't bring myself to cut such a beautiful thing.

I have never cut one, but I would like to try.
No I haven't , cut a lot of easier stuff though like acros.

My Hairy Mushrooms are nice and meaty! lol I've successfully cut 2 out of 2 in 4 pieces each. Then I stuck the pieces in a bowl with small pieces of LR so that they will attach themselves. They healed really fast. I got the idea from a YouTube video. The only thing that I didn't do was stick them in a container with saltwater and a drop of iodine immediately afterwards. Just because I don't have any iodine. But I def want to get some for future frags.
they're all rics.
there are 3 of those, two on the right, one on the left (small one) they are almost red, more like orangy-rust-red. picture is a pretty accurate example of the color.
weird thing, under my led lighting they were yellow! under the 14k mh they are completley different...
For some reason my rics tend to get really big


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Wow, those are all so beautiful. You've all got some outstanding Rics in your tanks. Planning to make mine look like that someday soon.
I have fragged the lime green one, but only because it had two mouths. I have heard that you can segment these ricordia into four pieces, but I was told the survival rate is 50-75%. With that in mind, fragging a ricordia with two mouths and separating the two from one another is probably a much better survival rate. IMO it is speeding up the splitting process.

When I fragged the lime green one (donated it to the Cal Academy of Sciences Caribbean Exhibit) it healed overnight...

easy to frag imho.
simply put a rubberband directly over the center. over time it will cut it in half.

i just let mine do what they will naturally, though
those are great colors I have looked at la before and never pulled the trigger I am going to defiantly do it now
I've cut them. They are easy, just like mushrooms.

Cut it off the rock, cut it like a pie, use Bridalveil to attach them to rocks, and they will heal up and grow.