Starting a new Tank!


In Memoriam
im now getting ready to start a fish only tank 130 gallon custom using living color artificial plug and play pieces. never had a fish only tank wondering what should i use for lighting?
i would go with the less watts you can and still see in the tank. so unwanted algae wont grow. Like i had 40 watts on my 65 and had no problems and then i started adding corals and up went the watts and now up came some algae
or should i just go with all 10 k dont want any algae? also maybe you guys might know what tank i bought its a custom 130 that exotic had at half price apparently someone cancelled the order its a hex its 48 in the back and 36 in the front great view from the sides
Re: Starting a new Tank!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11479366#post11479366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer26
[Bcustom using living color artificial plug and play pieces.had a [/B]

Thanks, what my wife wants in my reef, i will quit the hobby first. But for a fish only the tank they look really good.
now that yo say that the fish only set up im doing is for my wife and she picked out the living color pieces it looks really nice though