Stealing Photos


New member
Is it normal and acceptable for online coral retail stores to take photos out of people's galleries and put them up on their site as photos of corals they have for sale?

Just wondering if it is something RC members think is acceptable. I imagine it is legal. You would think however that they would put credit on the photo at least.

It is not acceptable, nor is it legal to use the photograph in any way without the creator's permission.
Third. Copyright doesn't need to be documented on paper. It exists per the photographer once the shutter release is pressed.
Fourth. Especially since I am now starting to get more serious about my photography. Illegal, Immoral, and a one-way ticket to a whole lot of trouble.
Agreed also I would find the store to be very questionable if they are going to steal peoples pics for their use.
This will always be a topic that will resurface time and time again. Matt, if this is regarding something of your own, see my post here for legal information.
Just send them a registered letter stating that they are using a copyrighted picture and requesting they cease and desist. Get a printout from their website showing that picture, and save that and a copy of your letter. Check later to see that they remove it. This is probably ignorance on the part of their webmaster. He should learn.
I just sent them an email stating that it was illegal and how I found their web site. I will wait for their reply before flaming them here. I don't want to make a major issue of it and was even a little flattered that they would want one of my photos. It is one of the better ones that I have taken. I don't want paid for it or anything. I don't even mind that they use it. It was just starting to dig at me that they were going to be making money by using it. The other reason it bothered me was because the coral in the photo is gone now because of an equipment malfunction. That is how I found it in the first place, I was looking for a replacement.

Thanks for all of the replies.
Ask them for the coral in return for using your pic- what have you got to lose? You may not feel like a confrontation- I can relate to that, but the fact is, what they did was illegal and if they are able to get away with it there's nothing to stop them from stealing more pictures. I'd sure like to know the website so I can see if any of my pics are being used :p
I sent them an email this afternoon and within an hour or so the photo was removed. The page is still there when I go to it (I had it bookmarked) but there is nothing on the page anymore. I didn't even get as much as an appology from them or anything. I will give them 24 hours to reply and then I will post the name of the site here tomorrow.
Aside from actually going after them through legal channels, one of the best things you can do is contact their isp and tell them that the site is using stolen copyrighted images. It's my understanding that isp's don't put up with that and will cancel their account, or maybe contact them with the threat of cancelling their account if the stolen property isn't removed. Can't say I've gone that route but it sounds like a good alternative.
I found a car parts vendor using a pic of my car for advertisement on his site once, and he didn't seem to think it was an issue and responded by saying something to the effect that 'at least I only used one pic'. The best part is that he was a member of this site too; pehaps he also runs these fish sites. :) :lol:
i have never used others photos for personal gain. however i do save fantastic pictures in threads that i enjoy. i then play them as my screensaver. what do people think about that? it is very inspirational and gives me design ideas and something to strive for.

what do people think about that?
I think it's a great compliment- when someone uses a picture of mine as wallpaper I think it's ok- when they try to make money off my picture... I think not ok.
Legally, what you do for your own private consumption [like a screensaver you DON"T pass on to friends] within your household or what you write or quote or include in a physical letter or a single email to a friend---all fair use. Posting a picture or a poem on your website, however, is not fair use, since that is given to be "publishing," because it then goes into the possession of multiple other people who can download it or take it without recompense to the author/artist. It's basically the dividing line between the use you'd make of a book or painting if you had purchased a copy of it---fair use---or the use you make if you're illegally multiplying it for the use of multiple people.

If you'd like to prevent this sort of thing, make up a little 'stamp' you include on your online photos that says "[copyright symbol] [year] [your professional name or studio.] If you overlay it onto the corner of the photo and they remove that, it's pretty clear evidence of bad intent with knowledge of what they're doing. If they just use it, you've got proof, and they've got no permission. If you're selling your photos elsewhere, you've got provable damages, and can sue them.