stegastes article


Well-known member
really enjoyed the article- are you familiar with any stegastes featuring longish streamer-like appendages from their tails? I've had such a specimen for years that i've never been able to i.d.- thanks-
from the tail? no.

Stegastes diencaeus is also called the long-finned damsel, but the streamers only extend past the base of the tail - not past the tail. also, these streamers extend fromt he dorsal and anal fins. it is the only Stegastes species to have elongated fins.

perhaps if you have a photo, maybe i could help attempt an ID.



Hope this image is somewhat adequate- I've seen something close in a neopomacentres cyanamos- but no tail appendages. The color seems mighty close to several adult stegastes in your article- thanks again-
i don't suppose you can acquire a better photo?

FWIW, neopomacentres is not a valid genus. do you mean neopomacentrus?
sorry, no better photo at the moment; and yes, I should have looked up neopomacentrus. Thanks anyway-
hrmmm, ok,

how big is the fish? what was it sold to you as? any distinguishing characters (besides the tail streamers)?
It was sold simply as a Damsel; the lfs folks weren't venturing a guess beyond that. It took them 20 minutes to catch it. It now is about three inches long; yellow coloration in the vector of the tail and rear of the dorsal fin; solid slate coloration throughout, with a solid black dot at the upper gills. Navy Blue at the very edges of all fins. He/she has spent about 4 years in my tank, growing progressively darker, and growing longer "streamers." It was a dark Navy Blue when first introduced. Very gregarious behavior; territorial, exhibits something akin to hosting behavior with an open brain coral. Cleans its area by tail flapping, similar to a male gold striped maroon clownfish. Gets along well with a GSM pair.

I really appreciate your help, this one has been quite a puzzler. I'm hoping to bag a digital camera soon, one dedicated entirely to reef photography, of course :)
sounds like a neat fish. if you get a new camera, be sure to get a photo posted up here. at the vey least i can send the photo to a few people that can do a better than job at me at making an ID.