Well I originally started this project thinking I was going to set up a 180gl and that changed to a 240 to a 300 to now a 360gl.
So alot of the equiptment I bought wasn't going to cut it anymore.
Luckily Saltycritter.com took back the G4x skimmer I bought which would have been WAY to small. And they ordered me a Geo that will fit my needs. And then some if I upgrade to a larger tank later on in life. Which I KNOW will happen.
Well for water changes I am going to have a ball valve to just open for water changes that will lead to a drain.
I am getting the tank from AO. I have been working with Will and his father John for about two months or so. AquariumObsessed.com
It will have 2 2" drains and 2 1.5" returns, pumped by a Hammerhead return pump.
External overflow on one side panel. (incase I want to do a three sided view on my next house)
LIGHTING: 2 Sfiligoi infinity fixtures. 4 400w MH, 8 54w T5's. w/ 4- 400w ACLS units. Its only product that can dim Metal Halides from 0 to 100%. I will have a sun-rise sun-set every morning and everynight for my corals and fish. Just like the ocean. They are really state of the art. I am also getting it from AO. You can read more about them here.
4- 6100s tunzes w/ Mulit. for flow since the over flow is on the side of the tank.
JBJ Chiller. Only 1/3 Hp. But the room will be Ac and Heated as needed. So I think it will work just fine. I don't really have anything that will heat up the tank but the lights. Which are lot of light but. I can always upgrade.
I also about these for Temp and humidity. They will be on a Cap 1 controller and will turn on when the temp or humidity in the room
reaches what every temp and humidity I set on it.
I will be growing large angels and what ever else I decide. SPS's also. I know that angels and coral don't get along but I love them both to not have them both. So if the angels mess with the corals. So be it. But I have a blue face right now and as long as I feed them my fish don't bother them. YET??