Still alive?


New member
I've been in Asia for a few years and admire the thriving reef hobbyist scene here in Thailand. Prospects for my future here are growing less promising by the month, however, and I have my eyes on Argentina as a relocation possibility due to quality of living, level of culture, political diversity, etc. If there was an active reef hobby there I'd feel even more encouraged. Active or inactive, I'd really appreciate any and all feedback about the reef scene in BA. Thanks.
There's a few reefers around here,seldomly post tho.I'll find a post with a fellow Argentinian with a Huge tank.
The low participation is because instead of being a forum Argentine should be a hispanic forum, so all countries hispanic can show their aquariums ......... the few people who have posted here are Cubans in Miami and Mexicans general.

Of all Hispanic countries in the world who have more marine aquariums are the Mexican and Spanish ........... and in the United States have the most marine aquariums hispanic are the Cubans.


La baja participación se debe a que en lugar de ser un foro de Argentina debe ser un foro hispano, por lo que todos los países hispano puede mostrar sus acuarios ......... las pocas personas que han publicado aquí están los cubanos de Miami y los Mexicanos en general.

De todos los países de habla hispana en el mundo que tienen los acuarios marinos más son los Mexicanos y Españoles ........... y en los Estados Unidos que tienen la mayoría de los acuarios marinos hispanos son los cubanos.

