Still sell 7410 transformers?


Floodicus Maximus Flooris
Hello Roger,
I'm hoping you can help me. I recently purchased 2 more tunze pumps as I was so happy with my 6200's that I decided to get 2 6100's well. I purchased 2 on the forums here but the seller was either dishonest or unawares but I got tunze 6100's but with tunze 6000's transformers. 7210's... do you still sell 7410.602A transformers? How much would it cost me for 2?
This transformer is no longer available, I do occasionally get good used transformers. You might also check eBay and the selling forum here.
ugh this is unfortunate. i would hate to have ordered one to find out you dont have them and never get them.
I was wrong about that. I believe that Tunze makes many spare parts available even after their products are discontinued. I guess 7410. 602 was not the case.
I wish Tunze continued producing some 7410.602 for people who still use 6100given that Tunze lasts for a long time with good maintenance.

I guess you can be on a waiting list for a good used transformer although it may take some time to get it.
i was able to pick up a spare transformer from another reefer for 65 shipped. A little pricey I think but it would have only been slightly less getting it from pleasure boat place. My tunze collection has seriously grown crazy

1 6200
1 6201

3 6100's

2 7210 adapters
2 7410 adapters

4 6080 Magnet Pairs
3 Tunze Standard mounting Kits

2 7091 Controllers

I'm thinking I should sell the whole damn thing and try to pickup 4 new style Tunze controllable pumps.
I am sure you will be happy with your Tunze pumps for many years.
As I said Tunze products are built to last for a long time unless you break them on purpose just to get new ones.:)
It is so rare for the transformers to fail unless the driver fails. We do generally support discontinued products for over a decade but in the case of the controllable pumps, we had a dilemma in that keeping production of major electrical parts going prevented us from producing sufficient quantity of the new pumps and since the repair costs of the old pumps would typically range from $120-$200, in the event of a major component failure (driver, power supply or motor) it seemed a fair compromise to just discount an upgrade in that case.
Ugh bad news

Ugh bad news

Bad news the guy I bought the 7410 from said he tested it and it docent work. I guess I will have to be a guinea pin for pleasure boats transformer.