STN after COMP123????

I would give up on this tank, but I have spent an insane amount of money getting it this far. Won't stop trying unless I lose everything. Mounted about half of my new frags today. I just hope that I don't have anymore coral deaths. It really sucks having grown small frags into decent size pieces and they die overnight.

What I don't understand is how my corals are so pale with my nutrients as high as they are. They should be brown. I would blame it on my lights but I don't run my par that high. 250-350 par for most of my sps and only a couple are getting 400 par tops.
Maybe i'm not giving them enough light.? Anyone care to chime in on that one for me.

Do you need high par with high nutrients. Or am I over lighting them? I'm afraid to increase the par with them looking pale. Don't want to bleach them. With all of the t5 sps tanks that I have seen, most run low nutrients and blast their corals with par.
I started Comp 123 about a week and a half ago and I noticed my "spainbow" did not like something in it. It was bright green with the purple tips now the whole thing is almost brown. I use aquaticlog to track all my measurements. You can look up my user name Bubbaque to see that I don't have swings.
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The little green that is left on the base is what the whole thing was besides the purple tips. You can see it's turning brown from the top down. This started after starting comp 123.


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The little green that is left on the base is what the whole thing was besides the purple tips. You can see it's turning brown from the top down. This started after starting comp 123.

Sorry to hear this. This just socks. I was going to give AF another few weeks but things just keep going south. I went out a few days ago and got another batch of comp 123 and once again comp 1 is bad . Doesn't dissolve all the way. Others said it is OK to use but with the crap that is happening in my tank I can't trust it. What a waste. I cleaned out the dosing containers and went back to EVS. I am only going to use AF supplements A,V,B,E . I also went with redsea nopox that I still had and just one day of use the brown dust on the sand bed and glass has started to clear up .

I am happy that some fellow reefer are having great success with it, they have beautiful reefs. It just isn't working for my tank . I just pray that everything gets back to what it was before trying AF.
just an update, I just happened to check on that same coral tonight, just a few hours later from posting that picture and that coral is RTNing. I clipped off the parts that were and I hope it will stop.
Well that sucks man. I would stop dosing the 123. I really think that some of us are getting bad batches. Maybe they over dosed some of the elements when mixing . ATW didn't test for iron when I sent in my water. With the problems I am having with my green corals I think that the iron content is really high in our batches.I'm going to send in some more water in a few week and have them test the iron this time. Good luck man . I'll keep you updated.
I also have lost about 12 acros, 6 pocilopora and now I'm losing 1 favia and 1 fungia. I was following AF supplements and STN appear after starting NP Pro and Pro bio. I've stopped but after 3 weeks things aren't getting to the way it was...
I'm still going to use AF probiotic salt but it's the last chance for AF. The method has lower product cost but for me the cost and disappointment was way to high.
I started Comp 123 about a week and a half ago and I noticed my "spainbow" did not like something in it. It was bright green with the purple tips now the whole thing is almost brown. I use aquaticlog to track all my measurements. You can look up my user name Bubbaque to see that I don't have swings.

That's the exact same thing that happened to me. My SPS began to fade and then RTN. I've lost 8 SPS corals in the last month. I'm going back to BRS 2 part and see if I can save what I have left. FWIW, my LPS corals look great.
I stopped all AF products back to the basics. DIY ALK and BRS Calcium. Easy and works perfect. No GFO or Carbon, Cheato and skimmer thats all.
I stopped all AF products after raising nitrates, stn and a diatom bloom. Went back to B-ionic and the other methods that worked for me.