Stock my tank


New member
I'm going to start cycleing a new 125 gallon(72x18) tank /w 30 gallon sump this weekend. This will be my first foray into marine aquariums so I wanted to stick to an aggrestive fish only system. My thoughts were because everyone would be carnivors it would be easier to feed the entire tank and I wouldn't have to worry about specilized diets. Also from what I've read it seems that the preditors are quite hardy and more likely survie my n00bness. So with that being said help me figure out what to put in my tank.

My must have is a Voltian Lionfish.

I would like a Snowflake Moray(or mabe an eel-bleeny), Procupine Puffer and/or Picasso Trigger.

Other items of intrest are Bannerfish school, bluespoted stingray(probably too big for my tank), Anglefish of some sort, and some sort of tang for alge control.

Of course I'm not limited to thoes suggestions and would be willing to hear anything. I'm looking at this long term, so while it may start small I want to be able to keep them into well into adulthood.

What would you suggest putting in there?
There's been concern with Puffers and Triggers nipping at Lionfish fins. Like you said, too small for a Stingray, and if you want a Bannerfish school, you're going to sacrifice a lot of other options and they probably won't school as much as you'd like without a lot of length to swim. Also, take into concern that most fish will keep their distance from the Lion, so he'll take up a good amount of swimming room on his own once he's fully grown.

I'm going to be doing something very similar this in the coming months as well, and I'm going for multiple Lions with a SFE, probably a butterfly and some others.

You could try some of the non-reef-safe Wrasses or a large Angel. If you don't want a Tang, a Foxface would be a good substitute.
I just finished plumbing my 125g for a FOWLR aggressive tank...

My new babies will include a volitans lion, dog faced puffer, a spotted snake eel, and some other fish...thinking of going with an angel....

I wouldn't recommend the trigger with the lion, though I have heard of people successfully keeping the puffers and lions, but it can be "iffy" also ...

Everyone that I have spoken to about introducing them into the tank, says either both the puffer and the lion together, if they are both eating frozen....or the lion first, then the puffer...
