Stock question


New member
So my 80g fowlr tank is doing nicely, my next addition is likely to be shrimp, thinking 2 skunk shrimp and a boxer in the tank? Or is that too many, will the boxer kill the cleaners? Also was thinking a sifting star fish to help clean the sand, is that an option? I have nassarius snails but never see them, even when I put food in maybe 1 will pop up. No cirrith snails yet. My next fish is going to be a longnose Hawk fish, Lfs has one but advised that shrimp should probably go in first. Opinions please?

New aquarium

300l (80g) juwel rio
40kg sand
40kg live rock
Tmc v2 skim 500 compact hob skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss
2 x 2800 lph circulation pumps (fluval sea 3, hydor koralia 3200)

1 black sailfin blenny
1 purple firefish
1 one spot Foxface
2 percula clowns (pair)
1 kole tang
1 strawberry conch
5 nassarius snails

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