Stocked 24g Nanocube for sale


New member
Unfortunately I'm not home enough, and the tank isn't big enough to take care of itself, so I feel it's time to get rid of my nano.

Hardware wise, it's in perfect condition. 24g NC DX, I have the original hood (2x32w PC bulbs, both brand new, new ballasts as well), but it's got a 150w halide on it right now, as well as a Remora HOB skimmer (skimmer works really well for this size tank, and is even drilled so it can just empty the skimmate into a 2L bottle under the tank). It comes with a JBJ S-shaped stand (really cool deco kind of design), glass is in perfect condition, comes with heater, digital thermometer, MJ1200 pump running the return from the back, put through a hydor flo head (I might have loc-line returns for it if you're interested), as well as a coralife digital powercenter. It's got about 30-40lb of rock in it, nicely arranged. The rock is full of mushrooms, zoanthids, cabbage leather, and montipora digitata and montipora capricornis.

The only problem with the tank is that because of how infrequently I'm home, and how much time I spend with my 120g SPS display, unfortunately I don't take enough care of it, so it has an algae problem right now. I'm sure with a few water changes, a few added cleanup crew critters, and some phosphate remover, it shouldn't be a problem. The tank also has a maroon clown and algae blenny. I'm asking $500 for everything out the door, and I'll even deliver to down south. $400 without the remora skimmer.

If there's one thing I've learned about this hobby, it's that there is no such thing as a cheap tank, but I'm flexible on prices.

This setup has been established for about 3.5 years now, almost 4. It's turn-key, everything has been running great.

If you've got any questions or comments, please feel free to post or contact me about them.

If you're interested in seeing the tank, I'll be home tomorrow and this weekend until sunday afternoon when I'm going to be headed back up to school until later this month, and latest I'll be home would be the frag swap date. If you've got a comment about price, or a lowball, I'm happy to hear it, but please don't post it, please PM me about it.

Thank you for looking.
For an HOB, it worked well. I just NEEDED to have a skimmer, since my mom overfed the 2 fish in the tank. It's drilled so at least it doesn't need to be drained often.

It's not an in-sump euroreef or deltec or something, ya know, but it works and pulls a medium-tea colored with some particulate matter. It doesn't replace regular water changes, but I wouldn't consider running a nano without a skimmer now.
By the way, there is a gallery here:

Where you can see pictures and the progression of the nano. All of the corals in the pictures are still in there to a large degree except the trumpets and xenia. I've got more of the trumpets in the other tank if you'd like some.

Again, as everyone with tank experience knows, the algae goes away as soon as you start taking care of things. Unfortunately I don't have a choice, and cannot give it the attention it needs.
Gasman I have one on my nano, and it's nice...

Eric if you part out...I am very interested in the cabbage leather.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
Gasman I have one on my nano, and it's nice...

Eric if you part out...I am very interested in the cabbage leather.
looks like it could work but man that thing is big and ugly!
lol if there's one thing I learned, it's NOT to part out a nano.

By the way, I should mention that I've probably sold a few hundred $$ worth of frags out of this tank, off of the corals that are in there. There is that much growth, easily harvestable, and it would pay for itself over a year or two if you decide to go that route.

I've thought of many other routes as well if you're looking for something different. I've seen people make this tank a dedicated single anemone with clownfish pair tank (if you take care of it and keep it stable). You could stock it with big LPS and make a beautiful LPS garden out of it. The rockwork has a lot of potential, as I've made it into a table reef, a lagoon, and a few other structures since I had to move it and break it down each time I moved it to or from my dorm room.
Good luck with the sale...

Now in Feb, when I get the 90g all my nano corals are going in the 90g, and my nano 24g will be a RBTA and clown tank for my sons new room... I liked your idea for the nano!!!
Skimmer is a must on a nano. The tank is nice I have seen it. Much potential. Lps garden is what Im runnin in my 20 long nano. Unfortunitly Im not allowed another tank.
Not bad. My tank seems to favor lps and softies. The blue shrooms I got from you have taken over. Ive been around just lurking. Man thats a creeppy word.:strooper:
I'm home for the weekend. My deal is that if you pick it up this weekend for $400, I'll throw in everything, tank, skimmer, everything, including $100 worth of corals from my big tank (4 pieces of your choice, lots of rare and expensive pieces to choose from).

I just kinda want it gone, as it won't benefit from sitting around with me not doing anything for it.

I've even got frags of corals that are on plugs that I mounted a few weeks ago, and have already encrusted.
Skimmer sold and picked up. Thanks again for stopping by Sean, and I hope you enjoy the tank! I can't wait for the (re)build thread :)