Stocking 29g


New member
Wondering if this would work

Maroon clown
Bicolor blenny
Sometype of wrasse
Watchman goby
maroon clowns are very aggressive as they mature and I'm not sure they will tolerate any tank mates in a tank of that size.

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The only other clown my LFS has is a tomato. Should I consider that? Or Petco has tons of oc clowns and perculas. I know Petco is not great, but I don't really have anything else in my town.
Tomatoes and Maroons are the most aggressive clowns. I wouldn't put a wrasse in a tank that small either. If you are going for a single clown, a perc or occy would be a good choice. The problem with a bicolor blenny and a watchman goby is that they have a very similar body type that can cause aggression in a small tank.
I'm probably gonna drop the wrasse, lawnmower, and the tomato

I saw a royal Gramma I liked at the LFS. So I'll add a pair of occelaris and the Gramma instead, if I ending up getting the tank. I'm worried about cost, so I might have to wait to save up for it.