stocking 55


New member
ok so im finally stocking my 55 gal tank i have already added a volitan lion and this is my list so far comment if you think anything might not work

snowflake eel
harlequin tuskfish
some type of butterfly(copperband, golden, or longnose)

i am also considering a tang to eat up all the algae but im not sure yet

one more thing i was hoping to get an anenome but i was considering the fact that the eel would accidentally rub up against it so i would appreciate any comments

IMO, most of your choices are not going to be suited to a tank of your size, at least long term. The volitans will outgrow the confines of a 55 in a little over a year, depending on how large it is already. The eel will be fine. Tusks need a good deal of swimming room. Butterflies, as a lot, can be touchy, and don't tolerate sub standard water, which you might have given all those messy predators. I'd think of some smaller fish that you can keep for the long haul. Given your fish list, a tank in the 150 range would be in order.
What type of filtration do you run? Is there live rock? How much?
yea i knew they would all get bigger in the long run but i couldnt resist :D

i have an aquaclear not sure exactly what size my friend gave it to me and i also have a canister filter (xp2) and no live rock at the moment but possibly getting some soon
If it's a new tank, and pretty much a bare bones set-up, I'd avoid any butterfly, tang, or other sensitive fish. An eel won't be keen on having nowhere to burrow/hide, so be sure to have somewhere for it to conceal itself. Left out in the open, it will be more apt to attempt escape. Not sure what to tell you. It's not a large tank, and while there are a lot of tempting fish out there, get in the practice of picking ones that you can keep/enjoy. IMO, it can detract from the enjoyment if you have to keep returning fish every couple years because they are too big, or too aggressive.
a flame angel would do great in your tank, but once again I would wait a while for your tank to mature and settle in. at least six months possibly up to a year for most of the fish you have mentioned, but I still wouldnt advise keping any of them in your tank except for the eel. sink some pvc into your sand and add some live rock. the eel should be pretty comfortable.
Get a smaller lion like a fuzzy dwarf, antenata, or radiata. The volitan's is no good for a 55.
ok unfortunately i didnt hear a lot of this before today i just visited my LFS and picked up the eel and a golden butterfly so far both seem fine but ill wait and see