stocking my 240


New member
would like some feedback on stocking my 240 gal reef
tank 8 X 2 X 2 using kent bio-rocker filter and a kent nautallis te skimmer in around 30 gal sump.
200-300 lbs of LR
200lbs of LS
LR and LS in mature tanks been up 4 a couple years before I got!
this is what I was thinking:
2 O clowns
1 flame angle
1 CB angle
2-3 yellow tangs (prob. 2 but I here they do better in odd #)
1 kole tang
1 power brown tang or achilles or hippo
1 fire gobie
1 purple fire fish
and maybe a couple of other smaller fish no bigger than 2"

my other thought was going with 1 YT 1 kole and 1 purple
and feedback would be grreat
Better to have 1 YT,1 Kole and 1 purple.
Don´t put only 2 YT. They´re going to be a problem, sooner or later.

you have room for 5 YT (no ther tangs). That would be nice
I agree with Joao, I have a YT and a purple tang, really cool together and looks awesome swimming side by side.

thanks for the feedback
this is what I thinking:
1 med hippo 3-4 inches
1 power brown tang 3-4 "
1 YT
1 kole
1 purple tang
1 Flame angle
1 CB angle
2 O clows
should I put the PT in last (of the tangs that is)
after awhile I'll add 3-4 smaller fish like gobies, gramma ect.
As regards the introduction of the fishes, I think you should start with the small ones, and then the tangs.

As to introducing the 5 tangs, either you do it at the same time, or you should be very careful and start with the bigger ones - usually when you introduce a smaller to a already established tang, the latter doesn´t pay much atention since the new one is not a threat; if you do it the other way around, the smaller (but already established) tang may attack and kill the new arrival, even a much bigger one.

p.s.: what´s a CB angle ? (latin name would help; sometimes the English names can be confusing because there are several to the same fish)
CB=coral beauty dwarf angle.

I am going to add the bigger tangs hippo and power brown
first of the tngs that is....
then aboout a month later the YT, kole and the purple tang at the same time. or if I can't find A YT mabe 3 YT
any more feed back?
I would be careful with the clowns if your doing clams. I had some falses try to host in my clams and kill 2 clams before i could see them trying to host in the third one.
yeah i was told this weekend by a couple of LFS that false clowns sometimes will not host in anemones. i had a buble tip that they would not host in.