Stooges3tx 265G/400G System

Well I wanted the Goby to just turn the sand over. My problem is.... I turn over my frag tank so slow that anything kicked up by the Goby spreads to my frag tank and takes a bit to settle... Kinda annoying. I will just roll with a messy fuge if it comes to that.

As far as hair algae and that,IMO if you let your macro algae establish first then scrape any micro algae your macro will conume the nutrients. Same idea behind a fuge to begin with. You will always have algae grow but you pick where it grows. If you set a fuge up and throw cheato in the cheato won't consume nutrients fast enough at first to drown out hair algae and such.

I doubt if a goby would eat enough to kill millions of pods.
Awesome! I am still looking at aquascaping ideas and I just can't get an inspiration.

I will also work on a plumbing lay out. Some are interested in seeing how I am plumbing this. I will make an attempt at doing this.
Very nice setup

Very nice setup

I have a dsb too i use fiji gold to replenish the mud on top.Its a very good medium for algaes.
Okay so I have started to rethink my system a bit....:dance:

I am seriously considering using the 265G tank I currently have as a FOWLR attached to my old 400G system to now make it ~600G.

Anyone here ever have a FOWLR attached to their SPS reef before? Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of before I proceed? Such as, water parameters?

Bring on the haters! lol
So I got my bulkheads in for my 265G tank. Oh ya.... I have decided to make it a FOWLR tank and put the reef on hold for now. So this thread really needs to read 600G system! lol. I will leak test most likely this weekend and post some pics for you fools!
I wouldn't think there would be any big issues unless you wanted to medicate your FOWLR tank and then you would have to catch every fish and remove it from the system to keep things good on the reef. But have seen where you are still rethinking this set up... Good luck with this system....
Thanks! I really believe that if you maintain stable parameters you can keep any coral. I also belive that if you keep stable temp and salinity with little waste you can keep any fish and keep them healthy. I have seen slight "sicknesses" on my fish but they clear up. I think all animals get sick but if you keep them in a generally good enviornment they should be able to kick the sickness.

Another words, no copper IMO. Maybe I am wrong?????:clown:
Jon a FOWLR would be awesome with that tank. You can get some pretty cool aggressive fish. Maybe a ray or shark even. I am sooooo jealous.
Thanks Mary! I am sooo excited! I cannot wait to have this up and running. It is fun to imagine the possiblities.

OldNemo-Thanks for tagging along! You helped me find something in my sump! lol. I had this rock for over a year in my 75G that used to be a reef and is now my frag tank. I opened my sump to take a pic for you and to my amazement I saw a Flame Scallop!!!!!! Had no clue I ever had it before but he is alive and kicking very well in my sump!

Here are some pics for you!


Holy Mangrove roots!!!


White Mangrove. Thanks Ally!! This thing is growing fast.


Fuge shot


Flame Scallop


Sump shot! Crystal Clear!!!! Just the way I like it. :)

Just noticed that a Mod removed my build link from my signature..... Silly.... It is a link to this forum..... Geez guys...

So since I am making this 265G a FOWLR..... What fish do I put in it??? I never had a FOWLR only ever had reef SPS so this is new to me. What is the "holy grail" of fish for a semi-aggressive tank? I do want a bunch of tangs and wrasses so no sharks etc.. A Harlequin Tusk???? A Filefish(Love the color but not sure if I should)??? Matt??? Help me out buddy.
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Well I had my own wish list for the FOWLR that I wanted to start but never got around to do. I wanted a niger trigger, queen angel, a lattice butterfly, maybe a puffer, and some tangs. That was just the start of my list. Maybe one day I will get it. Lol...
Well I am trying to formulate a FOWLR stocking list and see that it would be wise to have only one angel in the tank. The wife and I are looking at this for our one angel.

What worries me is that it warns about stocking with Tangs. Is this true? We plan on a heavy Tang and Wrasse set up. Any other suggestions for Angels that may be more compatible or nicer looking to the eye?

We also are thinking of a Niger Triger.
Matt??? Help me out buddy.

I've seen Blue Rings decimate live rock. They are one of the neatest Angelfish in the ocean,IMHO.

They tend to be prone to ICH(, oodinium etc), so i would quarantine it before you add it. Blue rings have gone up in price and dropped in availability IME. They are beautiful show pieces for any FOWLR tank IMO...
What do you mean decimate live rock? Do you have any other "show piece" fish that you would recommend? Rare is good for me. :) btw!!! I will be up your way on Thursday afternoon. You going to be in the shop around 1pm?