Stop the spread of montipora

Mark 75g

New member
Can anyone help with some tips on stopping the growth of Rainbow montipora. It is starting to grow next to my sps and looks like it might even started killing one.
I cant get a chisel in close or I might break the colony. What do you mean by Kalk? What kind of putty would you recommend?
I guess the other question would be, what if I just left everything alone. Does the monti actually kill the sps? or will both survive
I would send you pieces for free, but shipping would be crazy. I have 3 large colonys that are spreading in different areas.
What kind of crazy are we talking...? I've had that problem with a Jedi mind trick. I love encrusting monti but you really have to plan them out ahead of time.
I will see if I can get some nice frags cut this weekend. I have never shipped frags so I do not know how much it costs.
I will see if I can get some nice frags cut this weekend. I have never shipped frags so I do not know how much it costs.

Overnight shipping is anywhere from $30 to $40 less if you use USPS. If you are in good with your LFS, you could probably take the frags down there and ask them to Double bag them with O2. Maybe they would charge you a few dollars. Since they are frags, you don't have to use very big bags. A 6 x 6 x 4 box at the post office is about $22 overnight.

Seems like a lot but if you charge $50 for a decent sized frag, you make $50.
I had a JF Violet Orange/Mistic sunset monti over take many sticks when left un-checked. I covered it to shade it from light with 3" frag discs and also mixed up some Kalk paste and controlled it that way. Good luck
I have to break my orange cap about every 6 to 8 weeks or it grows over everything. Whenever it touches an acro nearby, the acro always wins, but then the cap simply grows around and above the acro to take over the space.