strange ball of ????

Ron Reefman

Active member
I found this snorkeling in the Florida Keys.

20180811_142928 by Ron Lindensmith, on Flickr

20180811_143001 by Ron Lindensmith, on Flickr

It was in shallow water (2') about 100' of a small island on the Florida Bay side of the chain. It is not hard or soft, but firm, much like a small cell sponge. But as far as I can see it has no incurrent or excurrent pores or holes. So I don't think it's a sponge. The spikes are firm but flexible and it doesn't move but it has attached itself to a rock in just 24 hours.

I've looked at a lot of sponge and algae ID photos online and through 3 ID books... nothing close to this was found.

Any ideas, or leads will be appreciated. A firm ID would be terrific, but I'm not expecting one. I have requests into a couple of Phd. Marine Biologists, but so far, no reply.

It looks like some kind of plant tuber that's been grazed down to nubs. See if it grows like a plant.
It dosen't look exactly like an immature horse chestnut seed pod. But close.

At you decided 100% if it is terrestrial or normally submerged?

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