Strange Montipora Cap growth


Active member
Has anyone ever seen growth like this? Instead of scrolling and layering it's getting delicate spikey branches. Thought it was kind of strange. Maybe not a cap at all, just something else. Check it out:

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Yeah I don't think it's a cap either. It has more of a spongodes type of growth pattern. It really is a great looking peice. For me growth pattern is just as important or more so than color. Is it a fast grower?
Looks like montipora medusa or othere people call it elk horn

I had a colony of that loved its growth but if a fish looked at it it would break
Yeah I don't think it's a cap either. It has more of a spongodes type of growth pattern. It really is a great looking peice. For me growth pattern is just as important or more so than color. Is it a fast grower?
Yes, fastest grower in the tank except for the blue stag directly above it. I bought it as a small piece glued to a disk along with a pink cap. You can see the pink fighting for space in the middle and is a much slower grower. I thought it would look cool with the two of them growing in and amongst each other, but it seems the green monti has a different agenda.

looks like montipora aequituberculata

Just looked that one up. Has some similarities, but I don't think that's it. I might have to dust off my Veron's book and see what I can find.
Looks like montipora medusa or othere people call it elk horn

I had a colony of that loved its growth but if a fish looked at it it would break

Yes, I think that may be it. It will need to be fragged soon so if anyone is interested let me know. Your right, it is very delicate.
Crazy, at first glance I thought I was looking at sinularia :lolspin: Very cool, have not seen that.
I was looking for other pics of this one and found this old thread.

Mine has become the largest coral in my tank and somehow I overlook it every day. Thought I'd throw it some love...

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