Strawberry pseudochromis question?


New member
Strawberry pseudochromis


I have a 24g aquapod and purchased a strawberry pseudochromis a few days ago, I also had my local fish store order me 3 sexy shrimp.

Now I read that the fish can attack and eat ornamental shrimp? Would this include sexy shrimp? Does anyone have any exp with this issue?

Now what do I do, I really want the shrimp...

alright, maybe this is a little bit *off* topic but is that a real picture in your avatar? If so, i think that 180g needs to come along a little quicker to get that big blue tang out of such a little tank.
what is a strawberry pseudochromis? is it the same as the purple pseudochromis? if so then they can be aggressive. i had one for a couple of years, it was really territorial, and never attacked my shrimp. although my shrimp is a coral banded, and was like 3 times the size of the fish, so i dont know about what your asking.
its not that they may attack shrimp its they will :D. i have herd lots of horror stories about them. and yes sexy shrimp will probablly become a quick meal.
will they mess with cleaner shrimp? It hasn't messed with anything so far other than picking things off the rocks.
Awww, well I guess he's gonna need a new home. Bleh. So pretty too.
Thanks everyone


Sorry, posted with hubbys name!!
Mine was the tank bully until he decided to mess with the Maroon Clown and was killed almost instantly.

Crap. I just added 2 small cleaner shrimp to my 120g. I have a strawberry pseudochromis in the tank already. I hope he doesn't eat my shrimp. Theres no way ill be able to get him out either. :mad2:
I've had a purple pseudochromis for about a year and never had any problems. I have cleaner, fire and peppermint shrimps along with snails and crabs. All he does is eat the food I give him and never bullies any of the other fish in the tank.

Not all of them are mean. :)
BigBert -- feed the hell out of him. They're a holy terror and impossible to get out without dismantling the tank. Beautiful fish -- mine had the purple body and red stripe along the top of his dorsal.

SilverOne -- good to hear that one of them is working well, I wish mine would have been docile. Medium yellow tang? Whooped him. Large bicolor blenny? Whooped him. Six line wrasse? Whooped him. The only fish in my tank he didn't bully was my ocellaris clown defending his hammer coral -- and that clown is insane he has longspine urchin spikes hanging out of his sides all the time he's so aggressive about defending.