stream 6000 on 90 g cube tank


New member
hello everyone!
I'd like to have your opinions about 1 turbelle stream 6000 on 90g cube tank with anemone + clownfish + surgeons and mix of just a few soft and hard corals.
Do you thing that's enough
main pump is ump 2100. Should I add SCDW to it?
I wouldn't use a Stream in this application. 2 7200/2 or 7300/2 would be more appropriate. The big advantage of these pumps for anemones is you can completely protect the inlet by either using a foam prefilter- part 800.14 or by lowering the intake below the rock work using extensions and T's. Anemones like a cross current where water is moving along either side but not directly hitting them, this will be more feasible with these two pumps. The primary focus of Stream pumps is for supporting SPS and Leathers most other corals are more suited to the traditional Turbelle Electronic which also feature wide outlets of 1" so proportional to the flow they produce the forces are about the same. I have no experience with the SQWD, I have experience with the Rio 2100, sometimes I still get that tingly, hair standing on the back of my neck sensation when I think about it today:eek1: