stream flowing backwards...


New member
My Tunze stream is flowing backwards...sucking water instead of pushing it. I have tried cleaning the pump but there has been no change. Does anyone have words of advice on how i can get it to operate correctly?
How old is the pump? This will usually be due to debris caught between the shaft and drive magnet, most commonly calcium built up on these parts. The only other causes will be low voltage (unusual in the US) or a broken propeller or stop tabs on the front housing. I would disassemble the pump and soak all parts in vinegar and warm water mixed 50/50/
Is it the older type with the removable shaft? Is it possible it is fused to the shaft or the disk under the magnet was installed in front of the propeller?

On the front cover, their is a cross in the center, on the back of that cross are swoops in the corners that protrude inwards, the prop hits these if it spins backwards, it would then fly forward, hit the swoops, stop and fall back spinning the right way.
Roger, the pump is flowing the correct way, but is now noisy... buzzy...sounds like a pack of angry if there's some rubbing going on... upon disassembly, magnet is warm. thoughts?
Is it possible the propeller assembly (prop and magnet) are stuck to the metal shaft? It should spin freely on the metal shaft. Any chance of a photo? I will be off line until at least Tuesday and I am just trying to get ahead before I leave. (headed to Germany).
hmmmm... it seems to spin freely... pic attached... thx Roger.... travel well!

Do you have the blue bushing (same as the on on top) that goes on the bottom of the shaft? Can you easily take the magnet and prop off the shaft?
yes, there is a blue bushing at the bottom. and yep, they slide right off the shaft... when I take off the cover, it just slides right off.
The prop is hitting the front cover, for some reason it is sticking up to high, either the bottom bushing is not fully seated, two disks are present or the prop magnet is too long. The longer prop magnet was later, did you replace the drive unit at some time in the past? I have seen older pump/ longer magnet combos have this issue, sometimes you can solve it by pushing everything in hard to get it as far down as possible. Otherwise, I can get you the shorter drive magnet and this should solve it for sure. Since almost all drive units have the long magnet now though, this is something I will have to do myself when I get back to the US, I need to dig through what I have and find a shorter one. The long one reduces the start up click, it has hardly any room to move, but on some pumps, it will rub the front cover for the same reason.
It is probably from the time they transitioned, in general this long magnet was meant only for the controllable pumps which cycle on and off to reduce clicking, they started using them across the board on the fixed shaft models but those have a bit more clearance. I will see what I can do, I may be able to walk someone through finding the shorter one to send you. Can you PM me your address?
Just wanted to publicly say a note of thanks to Roger, who got me flowing again! Really appreciate all the great support.... it's also nice to have Tunze around so I can service my purchases, instead of the use-and-pitch-into-landfill mentality of other products. He even got me new pads for my Tunze magnet class cleaner.... like good as new, allowing me to repair it and saving me $50 by not spending $ on a replacement.

Much appreciated... thanks again!