Stream pumps for large reef tank


New member

I wonder which streampumps I should go for?
The dimensions of the aquarium is 102x47x27in. and will be a three sided view tank with a coast to coast overflow on one of the 47in. sides
I want to cover the flow from only that side too.

I have looked at the "small" masterstream 6508 or will that be too strong?
And perhaps two 6155 on either side of the masterstream.
What would you recommend, 102in. is a long way for stream pumps to cover from only one side.


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I think the 6508 Masterstream is the only real option for this long distance. In a couple months 6255 will be available but even this will need one on each side to work. If only one pump on one side is possible I suggest the 6508.
Thanks for your answer.
My concern by this setup is if I will get any random flow or everything will being glued to the other side. Or will the return flow when it hits the other side stir things up, perhaps I need a controller to randomize the output from the pump.
I have looked at the 6000 liters (1600g) video on and there it seems like a nice flow. Sorry for all my questions, but it's really hard to find any info/experience from other users for the masterstream series.

It is always best to have a pump on each side, for sure, but it sounds like for aesthetic reasons you can only have pumps on one side. In this case the 6508 pulsed with the 7092 controller will be the best option.
Thanks again for your answer.

Beacuse its not a optimal way to get a random flow all over the tank i think i will drop the idea of having only stream pumps on one short end of the aquarium.
I looked around on tunzes website and found the ts48 streamkit with four 6105 and the 7096 controller. Its rated for up to 1585gal
Will that be a better soulution, perhaps i can manage to hide the two stremers on the viewable shortend in some high reefstructure or mounting them on some diy holder from above. So I wont have to mount the streamers with the magnet outside the aquarium.

Just adding my input, I have 4 6105's on a 7096 controller in my 220 gallon 72X24X29, two on each side. One pump to a side has the standard flow nozzle, one has the wide flow. They are ran in pulse mode each side at a time from 30% to 100% with a 1 second pulse. It's just the right amount of flow for my SPS dominated tank. I don't think it will be enough if you plan on an SPS system.
Thanks for sharing your experience.
The vision I have for the moment for my tank is a mix of corals and a varity of fishes not sps dominated.
I will also make the aqua scape very open.
But perhaps I should change two 6105's for two 6155's.
This is really hard, everything is so different in a peninsula tank this size.
I dont want to much flow either, i can always upgrade later if I choose to go for a more sps dominated tank.
But considering all the facts I think the right way to go is having at least two pumps on both short sides.
The other factor to consider is such a big tank probably has a glass thickness of 20mm+ and the 6105 magnet is only for up to 15mm, the 6155 magnet is for up to 27mm. Changing the magnets costs almost as much as buying the 6155 at the beginning, the magnets are about $120 a pair for the thicker glass. You can always turn the pumps down if the flow is too much.