stressed pink yuma *pics included*


New member
Picked this up this pink yuma yesterday, it looked like this at the store. The pic is right after I put it in the tank after acclimation. Oh, and I noticed a tiny pink bump floating off. Not good.
I've been reading how even healthy pink/red yumas give up for no apparent reason. All those who lost yumas before, did it look like this before it croaked?
The bumps on it look pretty deflated to me, and you can see some glowy thing inside the mouth. Wondering if its the guts?

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mine too

mine too

I had a couple of my yumas look the same then died. The mouth opened real wide & became inverted. A week later it was in the trash.
Did the mouth stay open like that until it died or did it keep stretching out even further as it deteriorated?

My hopes that it's going to make it are not that high.
But its mouth closed up a bit today and it's inflated more too.
Is the picture above with a flash? Or, tank lights? It seems like very bright lighting for a Yuma.
Try reducing the lighting on it.

It's with flash on.
I appreciate the tip though :)

Here's how he looked this morning. Bumps puffed up a bit overnight.
The mouth shape is all over the place, sometimes it looks like its getting smaller then it looks like the pics below.
It looks like its smiling kinda, but I don't think its actually happy.

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Put the lens of your camera directly on the glass tank. Make sure the camera setting is in macro mode, no flash. Steady the camera on the glass, snap away.

I'm not a photographer either (take my word for it). Here's a sample of my Yuma pic

You can do it.

Well, when I said my skills are lacking, I really meant it :(
I can't figure out how to turn off the flash off this thing. geeze
I am going to have to find the manual I have stuffed somewhere.
What would a clearer pic show? If its too bright for the yuma or if the yuma itself is bleached?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7601878#post7601878 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redFishblue
I think it looks pretty much the same.
Which is not a bad thing to me considering the alternative.

In the second pic the mouth is more normal. The 'guts' seem to be in place as opposed to distended. The 'pimples' are more inflated.

I like the second better. ;) Looks like it might be on the road to recovery.


Sorry, but honestly from my experience its going to die. This happend to me on about 3 different color morphs and they never survived.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7608079#post7608079 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by All Delight
Just wondering, when you bought it was the tank lit by metal halides?

Yes. Its in the shade now though.

Sorry to hear about your yumas. How long did it take your yumas to melt once they exhibited some stress?
Well, the yuma is still with the living.
Its actually looking better, the bump are getting more inflated and staying inflated.
Also the mouth is closed more. Don't know if it's just a cruel trick before it melts though.

DonanvansReef - what makes you say that?
It'll be nice to know the signs so I know what to look for before I buy another one.
Whenever a Yuma is gapping like the one in your pic it is too late. The yuma will open & close it's mouth sometimes giving the apperance that it is making a comeback, don't let this fool you it is dieying. I'm speaking from experiance I've had a few melt and they all looked just like your does before they passed. I have had great success with them now keeping them under PCs in my nano cube believe it or not . Low light & flow are working for me & that what i'm sticking with. When purchasing Yumas it's best to see them in person the reason being if the foot that is holding it to the rock is ripped or not attached firmly chances are it's not healthy & won't make it. Never buy a yuma that gapping chances are it wasen't acclimated properly to the lighting it was under & is slowly dieying. Hope this helps.