stressed pink yuma *pics included*

redFISH, I see the improvements. Don't give up and throw in the towel. Beautiful yuma and it can recover. Like mentioned above, low light, low flow, some frozen cyclopeeze and a possible recovery.

Please keep us updated (as you have) on the progress. I'm pulling for you.

Kind words masterswimmer but by the time it starts showing signs of gapping it is too late. I'm not trying to be a downer but it's like ICK by the time you actually see the parasite it's already manafested in your tank. Like I said above it will look better some days. I hope it does pull through, but if it does it will be the first.
From the first pic, sequentially down the line, it has looked better each time. Will it make it? Not sure. Does it look like it's improving? It does to me.

Maybe I'm just being hopeful.
It took awhile for all of the ones I had that melted. Thats why I diden't want to get your hopes up. In all the ones I had melt they would look good one day, then gappe on another. It took a few weeks after I noticed the gapping before it's demise.
Its still holding on.
Actually it went further downhill but mostly on just one side for some reason.
That side might have been exposed to the mh lighting more at the LFS.
I thought it was a goner, for sure, with some of the bumps floating off.
It still might kick it but its still holding on for now.
Most people think they melt because of lighting. One thing you should always consider when raising tank temps.

They do much better in cooler temps. I believe 72 to 78 degrees is best case scenario for these guys as they are very sensitive to temperatures.

A hike in tank temps, even for a short period... "can" affect their outcome.

Just some food for thought.

Its still alive..sorta.
I fragged it up a little while ago.
I cut off the bumps which had been looking bad and let that sit for a couple days,
and then fragged the remaining (the foot basically) into several pieces, so its
not much to look at now.
So frags look o.k. and one of them has started to spread a little.
I have my fingers crossed, but who knows.
Another thing is I have noticed is that it definitely likes low light.
Of course it needs some light but when I moved it just a little higher, it shrank up
again and was not happy.