Stupid move..


New member
So i was taking air bubbles out of the tubing of my calcium doser pump.. it was about 20 ml in a cup collected after bubbles.. Me like the smart boy that i am ended up dumping back the 20 ml into the alkalinty gal instead of the calcium(2 part)!! will this be a problem? do i need to go out and buy new 2 gal 2 parts and dump these two? the gallons are 80% full
The calcium will precipitate, and you'll get a bunch of useless white clumps. Strain it, the rest will probably be ok.

Personally, I'd dump it and buy or make more.
lolololol.. i just looked inside the gallon and theres lil chunks of white calcium floating around.. im going to colar this [profanity]!.. lol.. will the actual alk be lowered due to the calcium clumping in the alk? even after its strained
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J busca un colador y cominesa a colar lmao! :lol:

I know I'm going to come off like a wet blanket here, but sometimes, that's my job:
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lolololol.. i just looked inside the gallon and theres lil chunks of white calcium floating around.. im going to colar this [profanity]!.. lol.. will the actual alk be lowered due to the calcium clumping in the alk? even after its strained

We use filters for a reason. Please respect that if a word or term is censored, that's because it's not welcome here, and that creative use of misspellings and or symbols to evade the censors is not appreciated.
Translating Spanish is not the problem. I can do a fair amount of that myself.
The issue is more with the hundreds(?) of other languages around the world that I/we can't translate. It would be unfair to people that speak let's say Russian, Pakistani or Ukranian to allow Spanish, but not their language, etc.
It's just easier to maintain a single language environment.
As for the topic of this thread, I would still use the existing two part, even with the clumps. Keep an eye on your Ca. and Alk to be sure there are no issues, but I wouldn't throw away anything, except maybe the clumps.