Stylophora flow and placement


New member
Good afternoon Reefers,

A couple of days ago I bought a beautiful stylophora. (It looks less pretty in the pictures, because I'm currently running a blackout against cyano that started to pop-up after moving my tank and I only turned on the lights for the photo's.)

Anyhow, I placed it down and was then wondering about a few things. I read that stylo's like medium to high light. My light is currently medium - low, but if needed I can always add a reflector. (Which I'm not doing so far because of the cyano.)

However I would like to ask your advice about the flow and the placement. I wondered if I placed it down correctly. The way it is currently placed is the same way that I got it at the LFS. The LFS suggested that I could saw off the 'legs' that it is mounted on, but I thought that the way it looks right now is pretty cool, seeing at it looks a bit like a tree when all the polyps are open. The question is however, what do you think about the way it's mounted?

My second question is why I'm really making this topic. I currently only have flow from my in-tank skimmer (Tunze 9004) and the Nanostream 6020 that you see mounted in the corner. (660G/h powerhead)

Do you think that my stylo would appreciate more flow? I'm considering to place down a Nanostream 6015 (475G/h) next to it, which has a more traditional flow pattern as well.

Hopefully that will keep away the cyano away a bit more as well, as the cyano is trying to climb onto the stylophora.

I'd appreciate hearing your views!


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If properly acclimated they can take brutal amounts of light and flow. Mine is positioned at the very top of the tank and being subject to very high flow rates. Being said I also have a pocillopora on the sandbed (close relative, similar care) receiving very moderate light and lower flow.

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My purple stylo does not like high flow. It will start to retract its polyps and die back if I turn the pumps up. But does like med to high light. Mine is sitting at 360 par under t5
I have two green stylos, both in the upper 1/3 of the tank with mod-high flow, and both are happy as can be. But as we all know, every tank is different.
I think it's all about acclimation. Mine is being assaulted with direct flow almost all day. Right up at the surface under t5ho lighting + ridiculously high turbulent flow = a stylo with a legitimate table growth, ultra dense thick and busy branch patterning

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