Subway Cars to Reefs

Wow. I don't know what to think about this one. It feels like contamination regardless of the fact that they end up covered in corals.

Then again, I'm no expert in the matter and I'm not about to dump a subway car into my tank. Not even a toy one.
wow. I don't know what to think about this one. It feels like contamination regardless of the fact that they end up covered in corals.

Then again, i'm no expert in the matter and i'm not about to dump a subway car into my tank. Not even a toy one.

I wish our government would do more of this. Literally line the coastal waters with concrete, ships, tanks, etc. It's the perfect solution for man to help marine life and expand the ecosystem of reefs to areas where they simply aren't present because there is no structure.

They've proven time and again to be very successful, yet often because there is so few they get over fished rather quickly.
I wish our government would do more of this. Literally line the coastal waters with concrete, ships, tanks, etc. It's the perfect solution for man to help marine life and expand the ecosystem of reefs to areas where they simply aren't present because there is no structure.

They've proven time and again to be very successful, yet often because there is so few they get over fished rather quickly.

I agree...we need more of them. Also it doesn't hurt to have a few more fishing numbers to run to lol
This is great. At Clearwater pass there's a peice of land where the county stacks up a bunch large concrete pipes etc.. That they use for artificial reefs. I've even seen whole airplanes there. Great article.
Artificial reefs are absolutely packed with fish and covered with life of all kinds. From giant grouper to bait clouds that block out the sun, they all are attracted to these piles.

We have a great network of "artis" offshore of tampa bay and some of the biggest and most fish i have ever seen were in and around them.

Around 20 miles out in 70 feet of water there is this boat called the sheridan, its a 180 foot trawler that is mostly intact. I like to poke my head into the pilot house because monster grouper live there and its a cool *** dive.

One trip a couple summers ago i did the same thing but swam into it a little further to check out the hallway going down below deck. Floating in the hall was the absolute biggest jew fish i have ever seen in my life, in person or pictures. Had to be 10 feet long and almost 6 feet tall because it was taking up the entire passage. This fish was so big that i didn't even realize it was there until it moved because it was literally the size of the wall. Needless to say i booked it out of there because i have a love/hate with those fish but to this day it was one of the coolest things i have ever seen.

The more reefs we have the more fish we have, i say dump everything we can steel included, can only make it better.


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I agree, I'm sure the sheltered stable objects allow fish and organisms to make homes instead of it being wide open ocean in some parts. :)