Hey all, its been a while since my last post. Ive had a lot of success with my mixed reef system over the last 5 years and am proud of what I have going. I keep a 120g dt with a 55g sump, auto dose 2-part, and carbon dose with vinegar (randys method). I wont list my params unless you insist, but they are good. I will say that I keep my salinity a bit high at about 1.028.
Over the last 3-4 months, I have lost a 3 year old mandarin, a 4 year old cleaner wrasse (yes really), 2 bartletts anthias, my 1 y.o. longhorn cowfish, and a 3 y.o. lawnmower blenny. All except the blenny, cowfish, and anthias were jumpers (i know i should have a screen, but why after several years without issues?). I have a regal tang, yellow tang, 5 blue chromis, and 2 clowns left.
I successfully keep a variety of LPS and a few SPS (mostly acro).
The only change in the system since the losses was the addition of a coral banded shrimp and an accidental 1 week hiatus from carbon dosing.
Also worth noting that I have tried to add 2 new fish recently and both died within 48 hours. Is this old tank syndrome or is my shrimp causing problems?
Over the last 3-4 months, I have lost a 3 year old mandarin, a 4 year old cleaner wrasse (yes really), 2 bartletts anthias, my 1 y.o. longhorn cowfish, and a 3 y.o. lawnmower blenny. All except the blenny, cowfish, and anthias were jumpers (i know i should have a screen, but why after several years without issues?). I have a regal tang, yellow tang, 5 blue chromis, and 2 clowns left.
I successfully keep a variety of LPS and a few SPS (mostly acro).
The only change in the system since the losses was the addition of a coral banded shrimp and an accidental 1 week hiatus from carbon dosing.
Also worth noting that I have tried to add 2 new fish recently and both died within 48 hours. Is this old tank syndrome or is my shrimp causing problems?