Sudden multiple fish death problems


Hey all, its been a while since my last post. Ive had a lot of success with my mixed reef system over the last 5 years and am proud of what I have going. I keep a 120g dt with a 55g sump, auto dose 2-part, and carbon dose with vinegar (randys method). I wont list my params unless you insist, but they are good. I will say that I keep my salinity a bit high at about 1.028.

Over the last 3-4 months, I have lost a 3 year old mandarin, a 4 year old cleaner wrasse (yes really), 2 bartletts anthias, my 1 y.o. longhorn cowfish, and a 3 y.o. lawnmower blenny. All except the blenny, cowfish, and anthias were jumpers (i know i should have a screen, but why after several years without issues?). I have a regal tang, yellow tang, 5 blue chromis, and 2 clowns left.

I successfully keep a variety of LPS and a few SPS (mostly acro).

The only change in the system since the losses was the addition of a coral banded shrimp and an accidental 1 week hiatus from carbon dosing.

Also worth noting that I have tried to add 2 new fish recently and both died within 48 hours. Is this old tank syndrome or is my shrimp causing problems?
Any disease symptoms? White spots, scratching on rocks, heavy breathing, head twitching, swimming into the flow of a powerhead, staying out of the light??
I know lower SG holds more oxygen in the water and shippers all use low SG as well as most FS also so they don't have to acclimate new fish long but does it do harm to run a DT at 1.028 long term verses the natural SG of 1.025?
Might be worth researching your species exact SG location since its not the typical norm.
Im curious why do you run your DT so high in salt?