Sugar and Ginger???


New member
I went to an LFS today i havnt been to in a long time due to moving house and luckily my friend the manager was in.
whilst browsing the acro display tanks i noticed it all looked extraordinary clean for an established system. When i asked how he got such bright colours he said:
"ive got no NO3, its beacuse i use sugar in my top off. A spoon full of sugar really does make the medicine go down! add a teaspoon to every 10litres and watch what happens."

ok then i asked if he ran copper in his fish only tanks:
"no nor do i UV, i use fresh root ginger that has been crushed up in a pestle and mortar it litrally burns the ich straight off"

anyone else know more about this??
Sugar, like Vodka, is used to fuel bacteria so they reproduce very fast taking up nitrate and phospate as they do, then the bacteria is skimmed out.

The problem is that bacteria breading also takes up alot of O2 as well and can sufficate your fish/coral if you are not carefull. The other potential problem is that if your skimmer is not operating properly and you leave the bacteria in there to die after the fuel get's used up you are in a far worse place then you were.

Never heard of the ginger.

Seriously, I havent heard anything about either sugar or ginger but its always interesting to hear new ideas.

Not sure what the ginger would do....I know it does work well for nausea.

The sugar I would guess is attempting to do something like the (somewhat discredited I believe) vodka does as in feeding bacteria that also fix nitrogen.
Ginger caused a huge discussion about half a year ago or more. Someone used it and got good results with ich and others started trying it out. The usual natural method is to use garlic though. Both aren't scientifically proven methods, but they at least don't cause any harm methinks.

If you do a search you'll probably find the big thread.

Reason to use vodka is basically what Wiskey said. Quite a few people use vodka on the boards, probably a lot easier to use than sugar (And you can drink the rest). A search will net you quite a few results.
Right, if it doesnt help your tank at least you can get tanked yourself and not worry about it for a while....

Hmm somehow missed the ginger threads. I have had good luck with garlic although I dont think it cures anything, it seems to help the fishes immune system combat the ich.
Vodka is not discredited IMHO, but it carrys very real, and very serious risks and that needs to be made perfectally clear before you start drinking, errr, dosing it.
