I've added a second 6100 pump to my 7094 multi-controller on a 180 gallon tank. The translation in the documentation is horrible. I'm not sure what the best setting is, but this is what I'm looking to do:
Have pump 1 ramp upto 100% while pump 2 slows down to 30%. Then pump 2 ramp upto 100% while pump 1 slows down to 30% Have this cycle repeat with interval between cycles 1-7 minutes.
Thanks for your sugestions.
I've added a second 6100 pump to my 7094 multi-controller on a 180 gallon tank. The translation in the documentation is horrible. I'm not sure what the best setting is, but this is what I'm looking to do:
Have pump 1 ramp upto 100% while pump 2 slows down to 30%. Then pump 2 ramp upto 100% while pump 1 slows down to 30% Have this cycle repeat with interval between cycles 1-7 minutes.
Thanks for your sugestions.