Suggestions for a cover for a 60 gal rimless


New member
Worried about jumpers - have a screen window sitting on top now & to say the wife isn't a big fan is an understatement...

Do they make glass canopies / clips for the rimless?
Instead of making a window frame sit on top of the tank, make it so it sits inside the tank. You can glue tabs on the corners so it holds it in place. Looks better than the frame sitting on the rim.
Instead of making a window frame sit on top of the tank, make it so it sits inside the tank. You can glue tabs on the corners so it holds it in place. Looks better than the frame sitting on the rim.

+1, this is a much cleaner look.
If you or someone in the area have experience with acrylic, you could also make it out of that for an almost invisible look of the framing.
Instead of making a window frame sit on top of the tank, make it so it sits inside the tank. You can glue tabs on the corners so it holds it in place. Looks better than the frame sitting on the rim.

Rovster - any idea where I could get glue & some tabs? I like the ideas, just not sure how to go about it...
Look at how the Nuvo Aquariums "suspend" their acrylic tank cover with the tabs, i think, similar to what Rovster is talking about.
There is nothing worse looking than a screen top on rimless tank. If you select your fish carefully ,on their compatibility, you won't have to worry about jumpers. I haven't had a fish jump in 10+ years once I started to be careful when selecting fish.
Treetopflyn, you have to come by and have a look at my cover. I agree that the basic "screendoor" cover is bad looking, but sometimes we have no choice.

But as I mentioned above, if you know someone or can work acrylic yourself, the cover will actually accent the tank. I built mine from acrylic and then gave the plans to Rob.

Not to sound conceited, but it's tight.

Better safe than sorry
I just put together the DIY kit from BRS on my 60 rimless cube and it's hideous. I won't be using it and don't waste your money on it.
I just put together the DIY kit from BRS on my 60 rimless cube and it's hideous. I won't be using it and don't waste your money on it.

Thanks, luckily the good folks at Marine Net agreed to let me take the fish in question back - hopefully they can find him a good home