Sump baffle question


Premium Member
I'm doing a build of an in wall 120 gallon and have a 40 gallon breeder as a sump.
The sump will only have 2 baffles (no bubble trap).

Question is would it be better for the first baffle (after the first section) have the water go over or under to the second compartment?. The second compartment would more then likely be for live rock or some type of biological media. I don't think it will be ever be for a refugium (algae / light).

Another option is to have some openings somewhere in the middle of the baffle. The baffles would be acrylic not glass.

I've always had the water just go over on first baffle and over on the second. Reason for my thinking to go under and over is in regards to the water circulation on the live rock section.

Here is a pic of the design but I would not have the bubble trap.



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That design will work just fine. It's basically what I have now with the same size DT/sump combo.

I would suggest, however, that you use 1/4" glass instead of acrylic for the baffles. I have used both with success in the past, but eventually the acrylic will bow or just plain let go of the glass sides. You can easily get the glass cut at any local glass shop, and will cost the same or less than the same in acrylic. Just remember to have them sand the edges, or do it yourself with wet/dry sandpaper.