Sump Fabricator

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12553192#post12553192 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by LarryV
I used to work in an acrylic aquarium shop and I never saw extruded material used in fabricating sumps.

Doesn't that tell you something???? :rolleye1:
Who said that Ahmed uses extruded acrylic? I would not be spreading rumors if you cant back it up with facts!!! He absolutely does not use extruded acrylic in his fabrication. He uses cast acrylic. In fact, I did my research between the two and would not have anything made with extruded. I saved $75.00 on the exact same design and thickness of acrylic going with Ahmed and not Manny. I am not knocking Manny or his work, but $75.00 is alot to spend on something else. I dont think that you should spread lies about Ahmed just to push more work Mannys way.
Ahmed made Speckled Groupers frag tanks and he also made the holding tanks for Fishes of Eden. The small holding tanks that go above their big fish tanks.
Now do you think that those people would skimp on acrylic to save a few bucks? I dont think so.
Why dont you give Ahmed a call and talk to him and ask him what he uses. You might also want to apologize to him for spreading false info.
Ahmed's number is 305-826-0013 and he is in Hialeah.

I was told that the sheets of acrylic that HD carries is extruded, but I am not sure since I never looked at how it is labeled.

Not to bash on Ahmed or anything, but those top fish holding tanks at Fishes of Eden were done pretty sloppy... if you look at them, the acrylic glue is all over the place and there are distortion throughout the system - maybe he did it in a rush though ::shrug:: who knows...

-Mike C.
No need to get emotional just the facts, Speckled Grouper;'s sump is falling apart and Bernard from Fishes of Eden had fix the holding tanks because they were bowing out.
When I talked to Speckled Grouper about her frag tanks made by Ahmed, she was fine with them except for a few glue issues. She never mentioned her sump. Who made it? Also, Bernard said that he was fine with his tanks from Ahmed when I called him for a reference.
This thread is not about pushing one or the other is about informing tony varrell about the difference between extruded vs cell cast and 1/4 vs 3/8 when pricing a job, most of us prefer Manny due to previous experience, quality of his work and his willingness to help out at any time 24/7.
No one is making commission just trying to help.
I am not trying to get on anyone's bad side here with this situation, but even if you paid 75$ less with ahmed for the same type of acrylic and same thickness... I would still prefer to pay the 75$ more, to have the sump glued correctly, with no running glue lines and weld 16 slapped all over the place, but again, I do not want to be on anyone's bad side here in this situation. This is just my opinion and I would appreciate it, if it stayed just that way, because after all this thread started with someone asking for our opinions on a sump fabricator and I have had great experience with using Manny, never have I used Ahmed and really don't see a reason to.

Lacy, if you don't mind - can you post some pictures of the sump Ahmed made for you, I think it will help the OP in understanding our arguements of who to go to.

-Mike C.
For the record, my sump is NOT falling apart.

What is happening is, that it is bowing in the middle because it is not euro-braced. Easy fix. And since I can't use it under my new tank because it's an inch too wide, the new owner will probably have Manny fix it for him.

When I had it made, I didn't know Manny or I probably would have had him make it for me. Ahmed did a good job and I think I was the first customer for aquarium related custom work for him.

Same thing with the frag tank, it's bowing because it's not euro-braced. Next time, I'll know better.

Here is a picture of my sump

That sump didn't need to be eurobraced to prevent the bowing, other things could be considered instead so you don't take space from being able to move around in there or hanging anything from the sides of the sump.

Like what Manny did with my sump, he made certain baffles go from top to bottom of the sump and professionally cnc'd groves through the baffles for water to flow through. Having the baffles go from top to bottom removes the need of eurobracing the sump and adds over all strength to the build and I personally prefer the cnc'd grooves through the baffle then just a bunch of flat acrylic panels, but not everyone has those tools available to them.

-Mike C.
I will post photos as soon as I can of my new euro braced frag tank and the sump for my 180. Mike was promoted to Captain in the Navy so we are getting ready for a promotion party here and probably wont have the time to post photos till after Memorial Day weekend.

ZURCSREEF "I would still prefer to pay the 75$ more, to have the sump glued correctly, with no running glue lines and weld 16 slapped all over the place"
Are you insinuating that my tanks are not glued correctly and that Ahmed just slapped the glue all over the place? You should get your facts straight before making such comments.

FISH2REEF "This thread is not about pushing one or the other is about informing tony varrell about the difference between extruded vs cell cast and 1/4 vs 3/8 when pricing a job, most of us prefer Manny due to previous experience, quality of his work and his willingness to help out at any time 24/7.
No one is making commission just trying to help."

I agree about trying to help give CORRECT info to others so that they may make an informed decision. I was annoyed when others were saying that Ahmed used extruded aka cheap acrylic when he does not. Others are also insinuating that he just slaps them together. If that was the case, then I would not have used him.
Also, just curious why you claimed that Speckled Grouper's sump was "falling apart" and she says it isnt.
I rest my case about people getting their facts correct before posting.

I am glad that others have used Manny and are happy with him. I have used Ahmed for my sump and a frag tank and am very happy with both of them. No problems at all. In fact, I plan on using him again to make a custom coffee tank table.
PS. I dont get any commission either. Just a satisified customer with more money to buy more corals!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12560869#post12560869 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy
Are you insinuating that my tanks are not glued correctly and that Ahmed just slapped the glue all over the place? You should get your facts straight before making such comments.

Before I answer this, why do you feel it necessary to get so defensive about this situation? You are getting way too emotional about it. Like I said before, I am not interested in getting on anyone's bad side or to insult them in anyway.

Once again, I have never used Ahmed, because I have absolutely no reason to if Manny is doing everything for me that I need. But I have seen Ahmeds work (didn't know he made those acrylic fish holding tanks til you stated it here) but they were made VERY sloppy. I NEVER SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT AHMED til you told us he was the one who made those fish holding tanks. That is what I was referring to, your statement, so I do believe I have my facts straight whether you want to believe it or not, thats my opinion sorry if you didn't like it.

Once again, all I can say in this thread to the ORIGINAL POSTER, is I have had great experiences with using Manny, his work is without a doubt fantastic, he has many tools available to himself so he can basically build you anything you need, pricing, I have no idea, it all depends on what you want from him, but he has always been good to me and what looks like to others on this forum.

HTH and goodluck with whatever it is you decide to do
-Mike C.
ZURC - I am not defensive about this. I just dont like it when people spread lies (Compulou saying that Ahmed uses "the cheap stuff"). When I was at Fishes of Eden, I did not see the glue, but I was not looking either. I also did not know at that time that Ahmed had made them or I would have looked closer. Maybe he was in a hurry when he made them. Dont know if they were in a rush to get them to get up and going. I have no ideal.
I dont have any glue issues with mine. Speckled Grouper did mention it about hers. Maybe he is more careful now. Dont know.
I have never used Manny since his quote was more for the exact project and I have absolutely no reason to if Ahmed is doing everything for me that I need and cheaper!!!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12560869#post12560869 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy

I agree about trying to help give CORRECT info to others so that they may make an informed decision. I was annoyed when others were saying that Ahmed used extruded aka cheap acrylic when he does not. Others are also insinuating that he just slaps them together. If that was the case, then I would not have used him.
Also, just curious why you claimed that Speckled Grouper's sump was "falling apart" and she says it isnt.
I rest my case about people getting their facts correct before posting.

Renee I am glad we agree on helping out, what I said about acrylic is correct and in my opinion bowing out is a sign of worse to come that would have been a better choice of words but I must confess that I was annoyed and a little offended by you referring to someone you dealt with and clearly know his name as "the other person"
I hope that in between the lines the originator of this thread found some useful information about pricing acrylic work.
Love, peace and happy reefing
:) :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12561387#post12561387 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Fish2reef
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12560869#post12560869 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lacy

I agree about trying to help give CORRECT info to others so that they may make an informed decision. I was annoyed when others were saying that Ahmed used extruded aka cheap acrylic when he does not. Others are also insinuating that he just slaps them together. If that was the case, then I would not have used him.
Also, just curious why you claimed that Speckled Grouper's sump was "falling apart" and she says it isnt.
I rest my case about people getting their facts correct before posting.

Renee I am glad we agree on helping out, what I said about acrylic is correct and in my opinion bowing out is a sign of worse to come that would have been a better choice of words but I must confess that I was annoyed and a little offended by you referring to someone you dealt with and clearly know his name as "the other person"
I hope that in between the lines the originator of this thread found some useful information about pricing acrylic work.
Love, peace and happy reefing
:) :)

Very well said and I agree
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