Sump for 300g Reef


New member
Hey all! I am looking for sump plans for a 300g reef tank. I would like to build something that is about 150g total capacity. Obviosly it would not be filled up all the way (only about half). I have an Elos ns4000 that has to fit in it and want a refugium also. Let me know if you have any ideas!
That's alot to put into a sump, I've got a sepeprate Fuge tank. A 20 tall, I have my drain tee off so that some of the water is diverted to my Fuge. It's drilled and feeds my return pump area. I find it works great and it frees up room in my sump for 2xPhosbon Reactors running GFO and Carbon, Lots of room for my skimmer and a real nice Fuge to boot.
I found a cheap 125 gal acrylic tank on craigslist and then proceeded to make and glue baffles and drill holes. If anything the 125 is a little too big as the 72"x18" footprint fits in the stand I made (and can be moved out the side) but 20" or so is REALLY tall. I have 5 or 6 inches to work with that can be a true pain. Several others in the area have a table saw and prefer to rip 3" or so and then re glue the top for a better fit.

As per your thinking the sump is in rough thirds with the Left a refugium fed by a Herby siphon (lit), the center the durso drains, and the Right the pump protected by a sponge in the bubble trap. The pump side is rather large as protection from overflow and evaporation.

At some point I would like space for filter socks.