Sump for my 55 gal.

Capt. Nemo

Active member
Hi Jeremy,

I am searching for a sump that will fit my 55 gal. stand. My stand is about 11.5" wide and the skimmer it will be housing has a footprint of 10.25" long by 5" wide. I've searched a number of online vendors including PA and there doesnt seem to be much of a selection of sumps that would be suitable for my stand. I know that PA sells a Precision Marine sump, but it's 12" wide. The back of my stand is open so I could conceivably use this sump, but there would be a half an inch overhang and this may cause some stress. Maybe not enough to worry about, but I dont know. What do you suggest and does PA sell any other sumps that would be right for me? Thanks.

Hi Gary,

If you like the Precision Marine sump and the design of it, I would go for it. The 1/2" overhang is not going to make much of a difference at all with the very little amount of weight that will be inside that unit. Now if it was a really big sump with a lot more water volume, then we might need to do something else, but not in this case.

We also have the eshopps sumps here
which is a little different design than what the Precision Marine is using. This is still at 12" though.

If you don't want to go with the 12" we could have something custom made for you as well, however cost would probably be on average of about 10% than what these two units are.

Hi Jeremy,

I think I will go for the PM sump, but before I do I have a couple of quick questions regarding a custom-made sump. First, who would custom make it? PM? Besides the reduced width, would it be the same basic design as the BL15? If the cost is only 10% more than I dont mind. The 2 most important issues to me are quality and time. If all things being equal as relating to the quality of the product and time of delivery then I would pay the extra money for the custom job. I also will be purchasing Marshall Islands LR from PA. I hope to have my order wrapped up by this weekend so that I can get my aquarium up and running by next weekend. Thanks for all of your help!

Innovative Plastics (IPI) would be building the sump. They could make it exactly like the PM or customize it if you prefer. I can't speak to cost, but I think it would be close. I could email them for a quote on Monday. They do very fine quality work, and I highly reccomend them. Expect 2-3 weeks build time plus a week for shipping (I realize this will be outside of your window). We're not in the office over the weekend, but I'll be glad to order whichever sump you chose first thing Monday morning. Have a great weekend and please accept my apologies for the delay in response.
Hey Jay,

No need to apologize. It was great to hear from you. If I were to order the PM, when could I expect delivery by. I dont think I have the patience to wait about a month to get a custom made sump. The only concern I have with the PM sump as I had previously stated to Jeremy was the approx. 1/2 inch overhang of the sump over the stand. He seemed very confident that this would not be a problem due to the relatively small volume of water and weight of this size sump. If you can assure me that this slight overhang will not be a problem then I will probably go with this sump, especially if I could have it by next weekend. I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks!

Hi Gary,

That overhang would be no problem at all for you. If it still of a concern you could go to Lowe's or Home Depot and get a scrap piece of wood to set behind the stand to make up for the difference in that half inch to support it with. HTH

I agree with Jeremy on the overhang. It should be completely sturdy. If we have this in stock, we can ship it out Monday. Otherwise I can have PM ship one directly to you. I'll have to check when I'm back in the office to see what's available. I think we can get it to you by next weekend.
You could put me down for the PM sump. If you have one in stock please send it out on Monday, or otherwise have PM send it directly to me. I also want to order about 40 pds. of LR. How does 30 pds. of MI topped off with about 10 pds. of Kaelini Tonga Ultra or should I just go with all MI? The LR will be for a 55 gal. FOWLR setup with dimensions of 48" long by 13" wide and 20" tall. I really liked the quality and look of the LR that one of the guys on here had received from PA. His user name is "Just One More Tank." Ofcourse the size of the rocks should be suitable for a tank of my size and dimensions. Thanks guys!


Hi Gary,

We would need to dropship this for you from Precision Marine, as we do not have one in stock right now. It shouldn't take too long for PM to get this out the door though.

For the rock I would personally do all Marshall Island, however that is by far my favorite rock though, so I am a little biased with that. No problem on picking out sizes you are looking for, just remind us the size of the tank when the order is placed and we'll try and pull that out as best as we can.

Hi Jeremy,

You really do love that MI. What in your opinion makes the MI superior to the Tonga and Fiji? How does your current stock of MI look?

The Marshall is lighter, has better shapes which allow for easier and more uniform stacking (doesnt look like a pile of rocks laying there), has terrific color, and not a ton of sponge life that leads to long cycle times and excess nutrient/dieoff once in your tank.
Let's do all MI. Do you think 40 pds. for a 55 gal. system will do the job? I was thinking about doing 50pds. but then I thought that would take up too much space and leave less space for the fish.

40lbs would leave the tank still really open. I think I would go with 50lbs. That will still be pretty open, but not as much. You can always take a piece or two out and stick down in the sump if you feel it is too much, however I don't think it will be.

If you want to go ahead and place the order online this morning we'll get it processed for you today.

Hi Jeremy,

The only concern I have with the LR is if there will be adequate space for my fish. The tank will be occupied by one small or medium sized porcuppine puffer and perhaps one or two smaller tank mates. Ofcourse in a year or so I will have to upgrade to a large tank as the puffer outgrows the 55 gal. tank. If you think the puffer wont be over-crowded and have enough space then I will do the 50 pds. of LR. What do you think? Thanks!
I really think that the extra 10lbs wouldn't take that much swimming room away. I think you'll be just fine with the 50, and the tank itself will look more appealing as well IMO.
You make a good case for the 50 pds. 50 pds. it is! As you said I could always put some LR in the sump. Here's the plan. I want to order the PM sump tonight. After I have received the sump and have my tank set up I will order the 50 pds. of MI rock. How does this sound to you?