Sump/Fug design..this ok?


New member
Bought the glass, but want to make sure this is an OK plan before I start siliconing this together:


Not sure what skimmer I'm going to end up with, will that 6" wide foot print be ok?
Looks pretty good to me. You may want to get an outside skimmer though. My sump looks very similar but I hate the skimmer being inside the sump. If the power goes out the impeller somtimes freezes up and I have to twist and bend my body to try and get that thing out of there to get it restarted. Iam not sure if you need the triple divided wall just beofore the return. Mine just overflows one wall then hits the pump.
The way you have it set up will work. Try to figure out what skimmer you're going with first if possible.

With the sump I just made, I left an 11" section for my skimmer (but, it's a 40 gallon sump with an ASM G3)

Also, some skimmers work a little better in shallower water (5-9 inches), but that is an easy fix with a small stand under the skimmer. Just make sure there is enough room above the sump to remove the collection cup as well.

This sump will be in a storage room, so hieght of the skimmer will be no concern, could have one 6' tall if I wanted. I cant afford the skimmer right now, so it's going to be the last piece of the puzzle. I'm just going to keep up on the water changes until I can afford one. I wont know which I'm getting until then.
I know its hard but try to get a really good one. I have an excaliber and I hate it! It makes great skimmage but the air hose pulls off all the time, the pump quites if the power turns off. if the water gets to high it overflows, if it gets to low its stops making skimmage. If I could so it again I would get an inline one that is outside of the sump and have a skimmage overflow that leads to a drian.
No expert, but seems that your skimmer compartment may be a bit small. Thanks for the diagram. I'm looking for just this thing. Yours is simple to understand. Thanks so much!
Skimmer and return are small. You will have a hard time finding a decent in sump skimmer. I would plan on using an external one. The very small return area will pretty much require an auto topoff setup. I dont know what the spread is on the bubble trap, but if its only 1", spread it out to 1.5" to make it work better.
iaJim..No problem, glad I could help.

The pump I was going to buy is the Quiet one 4000 ( 1017 GPH ). It's foot print is 4 1/4" x 3 3/4", so I figured 5" wide would give me plenty of room. Even the Mag 9.5 is only 3" wide by 5" wide.

Yes, the spread was going to be 1" gap between each pane. I'll do the 1.5", no problem.

Maybe I'll delete the skimmer section and make that all refug area.

What do you mean by this exactly?
The very small return area will pretty much require an auto topoff setup.
If the return area is small, it means that you will either have to manually add fresh water every day or so. That just means carrying buckets or having to keep an eye on your water level due to fresh water evaporation in your sump.

Having a larger return area means you have more water volume that needs to evaporate before needing attention.

An auto-top off will keep you from having to manually add water almost daily to only maybe once a week or longer depending on the size of your fresh water container. Some people have it set up so they don't even have to fill the fresh water container.

I hope this makes sense....I can get wordy at times.
So you are saying that all of the deficit of water will occur in the return? I guess that makes sense. I get it.