Sump in Garage.


New member
I'm thinking of moving my tank to a different spot in my "extra room". This wall backs on the garage.

Has anyone put their sump and other equipment in the garage?

Physically it can be done, I'm concerned about the heat in the garage raising the temp of the tank and the added evaporation.

I'm running about 78° in the tank now and 77° in the sump (the sump has a small fan blowing on it). I don't have and can't afford a chiller.

Anyone doing something like this and what problems have you run into if any.

Good luck, my garage is insulated with only a small north facing window and it still averages 85 in the summer with everything shut tight. If I open the garage door it quickly jumps up to match the outside temp (maybe even a bit warmer).

You will almost certainly require a chiller to keep the temps in the mid 80's let alone anything in the 70's
Yeah that's what I'm figuring too, but besides the cost of the chiller it's going to raise the electric bill quite a bit too.

Besides there will be the issue of dust and dirt from the garage getting in the sump.

It's a working garage, my wife parks in it every day.

I don't think it's a real good option.
Talk to Matt. He has his system in the garage. I know he insulated the doors and such. I know my garage gets super hot. I have a tub with rocks curing and on hot days, the water is HOT. Maybe you can consider adding a window unit, or at least add some fans to run over the sump but your evaporation will be super high. Calling Matt!!!!!
My garage is a simple 1 car garage, no windows and only the garage door and the door from the house to the garage (which I believe is an exterior metal door with insulation).

The wall between the garage and house are insulated to keep the heat out of the house and the AC in.

Far side wall is cinder block and half close wall (The one the tank will be on) is cinder block.