sump noise


New member
Ok so it is finally running and we have no more leaks...yeah!
First off let me remind you guys that this is my first sump ..that being said , I have a lot of noise from the water falling into the sump. Dave told me to adjust the standpipe so that the hole was about water level ...but I have adjusted the thing a lot and I still have noise so do I need to throttle back on the pump or just what would you suggest I try??? Sounds more like waves hitting a tiny shore than a commode flush if that helps. from all we can tell the water fall is the only noise we have .Thanks to any one that can offer a suggestion...
Where the water is draining into the sump, is that pipe above the water level of the sump? If so, I think it should be below that water level, someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.
You know people pay good money to go hear the waves hitting the shore, and you have it free and want to get rid of it!
the pipe going from the tank to the sump is split down the middle with the water line ...Dave plumbed the sump so I have all the faith in him that he got it right. Del you are right ..people do pay a lot to go listen to the waves but I am not so sure this permanent wave is what they would The tank is about 10 feet from the TV and I am sure I don't want to have to disturb the neighbors to drown out the water noise...
I have done a google search on standpipes and all I can find is how to build one ...not how to adjust one ...
Hmmmm......I'm actually talking about where the pipe enters the sump, not in the main display. Where the water comes out the bottom of the pipe should be below the water line in the sump.
yep that is what I am talking about too ...the one in the sump...not the main display...That one is split...half under water and half out of water.
You might try putting an elbow on the bulkhead where it comes into the sump. That way all the incoming water runs in below the water line.
that is what I was thinking too Scott. The paranoid side of me is starting to question my Mag 12 it right? it going to work ? Is it giving me the right flow? I did lay a glass top off of another tank across the sump and it seems to have quieted down the racket a lot . The water level in the sump is not fluctuacting at all so I don't think it is the pump . But then again I have been wrong before.
Doris' sump was a lil noisy when we set it up. We put a plexiglass top on it. I cut a notch out for the skimmer and a door out for her to open when adding chemicals, it was a good place to sit the fuge light and it keeps their nosy cat dry too.

When water runs down the drain pipe it has enough speed to cause a vacuum. Eventually the vacuum causes the water flow to slow down enough that the vacuum releases and causes the "flush". (that is how I understood it anyway) A durso pipe keeps the vacuum from forming by having a vent hole which is opened slowly until the "flushing" stops.
yes Malisa, my step dad ...who knows ziltch about aquariums...built the canopy. He is a master woodworker and can build anything he WANTS to ..key word wants. He built this canopy out of some wood from a tree he cut down from his birthplace. I would not take anything for it . It is not the best design overall but it is beautiful and has sentimental value. That center panel lifts out to give me access to the tank. If I had known he was going to get the canopy done so quick, he would have gotten to build the stand too . I took him the original canopy (which was way to small) and he did the best he could to match the color and then he designed the canopy with no help from me. He is 150 miles from here so he was to far away for me to meddle with. I think he did a wonderful job. It was funny , my mom said he did not sleep regularly while working on it ...she said he tinkered it to death.
The stand pipe adjustment will just change how far the water drops from the outside of the over flow to the inside of it. Less drop equals less noise from the water falling. The drain pipe can be adjusted as well. The drain has an opening on the side to act as an air vent. You can adjust it so it is lower in the water. Durso stand pipes will sometimes make a flushing noise when the drain pipe outlet is totally submerged ,hence the vent. You may need to throttle the pump back. Your pump exceeds the flow rating for the overflow/ Durso set-up that you have. Your set-up will flow more but the price will be noise.
Thanks Dave. I was thinking it was just too much pump for my overflow. I did try adjusting the height of the standpipe but nothing seems to help so I guess I will go shopping for another pump. Any suggestions? Especially suggestions about size of the pump as in Gallons per hour?
Scott, it has a ball valve to allow me to turn it down but I tried that too and the pump would sort of surge...making the problem worse. I bought this pump used so it my just be that the pump was not up to snuff to start with. I would hate to run out and buy a new pump and find out this one will work after all but I do know I have to do hubby is not as into the hobby as I am and his computer is very close to the tank so he would have to listen to it and I don't think that is going to make for a very happy marriage in the long run. He is a gameaholic and spends every waking moment on that game of his . I am going to try adjusting the valve some more tonight and tomorrow before I make any other moves...I just need some input on pumps so I will know where to start.
I have tried adjusting both. I have the pump throttled back by about 1/4 and that has helped a lot ...either that or I am getting used to the noise. I have decided to come back out to your place wednesday while I am off and look at yours and discuss pump options. I wanted to tell you too that I am very happy with the way you set up the sump , I just have some fine tuning to figure out . I never thought it would be plug and play ... I just hoped by some miracle I would be the exception to the rule. Just be patient with me and I promise not to be too much of a pain in the backside. lol
Bj i love your canopy and stand. I love a natural look to wood. My stand was black when I got it so naturally I had to paint my canopy black to match. It just killed my soul to cover up that beautiful wood.