Sump Room Design Advice


New member
I was in the maintenance biz about 15 or so years ago. So I have a fair amount of outdated experience. This is my first tank since then. The inner dimensions give a volume of 195. I have a 48" external overflow that will go to the sump room via two 2" pipes. One will feed a Geo skimmer directly.

Looking for pointers and advice before I begin in hopes of keeping my inevitable wrong turns to a minimum.

A couple simple questions.
1. Volumes for sump, refugium, flow through sump
2. Is there a real benefit to having the refugium higher than the return.

Any other input you folk have would be appreciated !

A few thoughts:

Sump volume - as large as possible. But also enough volume to handle 20% water changes, large enough for an in sump skimmer or management of skimmer return bubbles, large enough to handle high level with power failure. Mine is 75g on 90g going to 225g tank. My limiting factor - no more room.

Refugium Volume: Currently 25g. Previously 50g. Bigger is probably better but isn't everything in this hobby...

Sump flow rate: General recommendations are 3-5x tank volume/hr. However my approach is driven by maximum skimmer capacity and maximum volume without microbubbles.

My 75g sump is currently running about 350gph return with no problem. Refugium probably about 100gph.

My 225g will have the ability to pump/return about 1350 gph and my new skimmer 800gph but not sure what I will actually run.

A question: do you intend to feed your refugium directly from the drain or from the skimmer discharge?