sun polyp sting potential?


New member
anyone else have any experience w/ sun polyps? I have a healthy sun polyp that does well and opens daily. I recently added a new rock w/ some zoas pretty close to the sun polyps. I really like the positioning of both and would prefer to levae zoas where they are and vice versa.

this evening while feeding i noticed the sun polyps and zoas where touching at a small point. will the sun polyps sting the zoas to death, are they aggressive or should i say potent stingers?

any help appreciated,
Ive never seen them really sting other stuff but keep an eye on things, it may just be a good idea to give a few inches of clearance.
its the most gorgeous coral in my tank but they are pretty high maintenance, i do more water changes since i have them. but when all the polyps are open they look so awesome.
I don't think WCs are that important to them, they just need to be fed. You should see the sun polyps I got from Ryan, they are coming back really nice.
i don't do the water changes strictly for them, i do it so i don't have algae outbreaks or to much excess nutrients in the tank. although i do have a lot of corals that like the same foods. my blastos, acans, scolymia, wellsophylias all share in the bounty they receive.

i'll try to take a pic of mine tonight, the only other one i have is from a couple weeks ago.

here it is

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

it gets even bigger at night
yup just make sure you feed them well, they dont get anything from light so they must be well feed, It was too much feeding for my tank to handle at the time but its such an excellent coral to have.