Sun polyps


New member
I was told that Sun polyps are non photosynthetic, if so, does anyone have any for sale? perhaps any other type of 'shade' coral? Thanks!
Yes they do. I don't mind since my mandarin needs to be feed live food on a regular basis anyway, so it should work out feeding both at the same time. Anyone?
I dont target mine at all and they do very well-then again heavy bioload and regular feedings elsewhere.
Cool, Gasman. But either way, I won't mind taking care of it individually if so needed.

So, does anyone have to sell?
I have a frag that i can trade or sale. When I got them they were near death, but since then I've brought them back up and they look great. I feed them 2-3 times a week and they open all day.

PM if ur interested. I'll take some current pictures later