suncoral??? how do you guys feed them?


New member
I've always liked the sun coral but have been scared to get any because they are non photo. Im just wanting some ideas of the best food and ways to feed them?
Thanks yall
They accept a wide range of foods (including pellets, frozen, even flakes). I either target feed with a pipet (but clean up crew and fish try and take food from the coral) or briefly take coral out of the tank and feed in a small container of water (which was better for tank water quality).
They accept a wide range of foods (including pellets, frozen, even flakes). I either target feed with a pipet (but clean up crew and fish try and take food from the coral) or briefly take coral out of the tank and feed in a small container of water (which was better for tank water quality).

+1 remove the coral every waterchange to a bucket of old water, squirt in some thawed mysis juice to initiate a feeding response, a few mins later it shoukd be open and ready to spot feed each mouth, also you can cut a 2liter bottle in half and place top over coral when feeding in tank with baster and prevent scavengers from taking food.
Another thing about tubastrea that many overlook is lack of flow, these corals love flow, even laminar flow.

Either way, it will be a long term challenge in a typical mixed reef to keep this coral.

Look into Dendrophyllia (firecracker coral) it has a similar appearance, though bigger polyps, it is much easier to keep happy. Blanophyllia is another coral that is similar in appearance to Tubastrea but for still being a NPS it us also much easier to keep.

hope this helps
I always hated removing mine when I first got into nps. In fact I lost a few being too rough. So I’d recommend 1) putting it in a location that’s easily accessible to you. 2) using a long skinny dropper and feed each head when the flow is off. Or 3) make a sun coral tank and broadcast feed.
Feed using a pipet (like the one from TLF). Some high protein foods mixed with brine shrimp (they react to the brine).
I would only take it out of the water for initial feeding if you are concerned about tissue recession. Its not a long term solution.
One thing I found to work - is to put direct flow on the coral - i.e. point a small powerhead at it in the tank. Once you get it feeding in the tank - feed it regularly at a specific time (usually after lights out) - and it will begin to open regularly for feeding even w/o the powerhead.
Brine shrimp with a pipet every other day. I placed mine near the surface so it's easy to feed each mouth without fouling the tank.
I saw a couple videos on YouTube how people take a soda bottle cut it in half and use a turkey Bastet and fill up the dome with the food. This way no other animals get to it.
I have a few dendros. Bigger heads, so they'll take full sized mysis. I keep them in my frag tank with no thieves.
Mine love mysis , just use a pipette and slowly release close to them with no water flow happening and watch them eat and get fat , See my avatar !
I usually do mysis & cyclops, squirt at the colony and they handle business.
But I pulled pods from my chaeto to feed the tank. Found a huge one. wanted to see how the colony would handle a large strong amphipod.



Took it 20 minutes to engulf. Big meal.
can cut a soda bottle in half, and squirt in the food with a turkey baster through the top. Just need to place the cut bottle over the coral...good way to know the food will get to the coral and no where else