Super Newb Needs Help


New member
Hi everyone. So I am as new as new gets to using a digital camera, and I need some help here. I just purchased the Canon SX 100 IS, and am having the worst time figuring it out, even with the instruction manual. I emailed Canon, and the most help I got was to keep "practicing" and maybe buy a book on digital cameras. Does anyone know if there are any online totourials or visual step by steps that I can look at? The manual just isn't that easy to follow for a beginner and really jumps around all over the place :( If anyone can give me any help at all, I would truly appreciate it!! Thank you!!
Thanks a bunch TitusvileSurfer!! ;) I am actually going to be taking outdoor and indoor pics mainly as apposed to aquarium pics ( shhhh... don't tell anyone here :) I'll read through your post and get back to you!
