Super Reef Octopus XP 2000 Internal ….YES OR NO


New member
Would you purchase the Super Reef Octopus XP 2000 Internal skimmer again if you had a chance to do it all over again? Almost ready to pull the trigger just want to make sure.
How big of an area should I plan for in my sump? Will a 13" X 16" area be sufficient to comfortably accommodate the foot print of the SRO-XP2000? I will have a total height clearance of 29". (Sump bottom too directly under the tank). If my sump height is 17" will I be able to remove the XP2000 from the sump if need be? Or asked differently, what is the maximum height my sump can be.
Other information:
90 Gallon display.
Proposed dimensions of sump 42L X 16W X17H. (no other plans yet)