Supplements, dosing, and mixing


New member
Hi all,

I'm new to marine tanks and am looking for some recommendations and guidance on supplements, and how to use them.

I've got a 10g tank with live rock, live sand, a cuc, one O. Clownfish, and some macroalgea. The tank is 8 months old and has been stable. I want to start to introduce some corals.

First, here are my parameters:

Param / Current / Target
sg / 1.021 / 1.025
KH / 8 / 11
PH / 8.2 / 8.2
Ca / 260 / 420
Mg / 860 / 1200

(Ammonia, NO2, NO3 all 0)

Now on to a few questions:

1. All of the directions on the supplements I am using talk about quantities to add to the tank to raise levels. It seems to me that adding supplements while mixing the water, to bring them to my targets, would make more sense. Am I missing something here? Is there a reason I would not want to do this?

2. I do know that at some point, I'll want to figure out how much consumption of each supplement is being used by the tank and add a drip dose system. Can I get by without this for a while?

3. I know this one might start a religious war, but what brand of supplements do you prefer? Is there a reason to choose a liquid vs a powder for supplementing?

4. How about salt? I am using Red Sea Coral Pro right now. Other than brand preference, is there any reason to reconsider this?

5. Are there any other parameters you recommend I dose for?


Hey Kyle,

Before pointing out what you've already done the leg work of figuring out (low magnesium, salinity, and magnesium), what is your goal with respect to corals? Softies, LPS, SPS? As for the drip dose system, that's nice, but not necessary. If you were trying to maintain your calcium, it's nice to know that your tank uses 50ppm a week and dose accordingly (check out any of the dosing calculators online for the particular supplements you are dosing).
I would get a second opinion on the calcium and magnesium test kits. Those levels are suspiciously low, although the SG is very low, as well. That will drop the parameters 20% or so.

1. You can use the supplements to raise the levels in newly-made water. I did that for years when IO was made with a low magnesium level. You will need to add supplements for calcium and alkalinity directly to the tank if the consumption level is very high, though.

2. Maybe, but many tanks consume 2-3 dKH per day of alkalinity, and thus around 20 ppm of calcium.

3. The liquid supplements tend to be more pricey per unit added. Most calcium and alkalinity supplements are fine. I'd get a calcium-chloride-based calcium supplement. Baking soda is fine for alkalinity, although most of the commercial supplements are okay. You could try some B-Ionic, as an easy way to get started on daily supplementation, once the levels are close to your targets. Except for the SeaChem, the commercial magnesium supplements seem to be fine, too. If you buy online, the DIY chemicals from Bulk Reef Supply are fine.

4. Red Sea Coral Pro seems to be fine. You could consider cost, if that's an issue. Most salt brands are fine.

5. I'd check temperature now and then. Sometimes heaters fail, and the results can be bad. It's happened to me more than once.
Thanks for the replies! My goal is soft corals.

I check the temperature daily and have a backup heater installed. Thank you for pointing that out.

Really appreciate the thoughts!