

New member
Hi everyone

I see we are getting a lot of support requests on RC. As said before and also in the sticky on this forum we cannot offer tech support on RC and any post put here could lead to frustration if we do not see it.

Please ALWAYS as first line of support post your issue at support forum and then if higher level support is required we can deal with it or pass it to the gurus at GHL

thanks in advance.

Please note I will no longer be monitoring Reef Central so future support posts will run the risk of not get answered. If clients want to help clients that's great and we actively encourage this.

Thanks in advance.
I am not seeing anything not answered very recently. Most replies are within 24 hours. If anything is missed then just let me know and we will make sure its answered
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sorry guys I have been through this all before, support can not be offered in two places. If there was an issue with support there the forum would not function. Half the time the complaints are based on the expectation of an instant fix, the product is a global product not local to USA only so there are time differences to contend to.

As I said before also if you do not get a reply then let us know and we will make sure it is dealt with, so there can be absolute no reason for not using the correct path for support.
As I said before also if you do not get a reply then let us know and we will make sure it is dealt with, so there can be absolute no reason for not using the correct path for support.


why no phone support - This has come up many times, the reason for this is 99% of the time as proven when we tried it clients are not in front of the units typically at work and if they are on the rare occasion we can not send a screen shot or a link down a voice call ;) Its simply does not work. What works being able to give the end user a step by step written reply that they can follow and refer back to any time in their own time. Dont get me wrong I love talking to our clients but our phone was blocked by people phoning and then calling back the next day because they had forgotten what we told them.

The GHL forum is a great place, its categorized and full of helpful hints, BUT if you dont get a reply then email us we will take over from there as always.
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I agree, most if not all tickets on GHL forum are answered sometimes even before 24 hours
ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT THE ANSWER IS SOMETHING LIKE..."why dont you look at the manual"