Sure is clammy in here


New member

By vitalapparatuz at 2010-03-10
Thanks Mako! That was one of the first corals I bought.

I was starting to think there was something terribly wrong with my setup, all those views and no comments!
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I find myself lusting over the Ric rock too ...sorry..but the clam looks great too ...but then there is that ricordea rock...OMG
Sweet clam Tran!
Update: The crocea seems to be doing well.It fully expands each day and is very responsive.The red lobo I got last week however isnt as puffy as it was the first few days.Maybe he is just getting used to things.I cant place him any lower in the tank,so I guess Ill just wait and see if he puffs back up.
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i thought about starting mine a little higher, but i couldn't find anywhere for him to plant with a little rubble...there he the bottom of my tank....i'll take some better pics and some of my Derasa tonight too