I have a few acros and pocillopora that have been swinging in the current for 3-4 weeks. The cuts have healed over and I'm begining to see branching growth. I'll post some pics in another thread on here that deals with this topic. I've just been a bit too busy, but hopefully I'll have some time soon.
I'd really love to read more about your experiences on this prop method. If you could explain what you used to suspend the frag, how you tied it, if you had any problems with frags bumping into one another, etc.. Of course pictures illustrating this and growth rate are always helpful
I tied with fishing line and secured with a dab of superglue gel. They are suspended from the egg crate top of my tank. They are only 3-4 inches below the surface and positioned in good flow but so they can't bump into eachother or anything else.
In the month that they've been swinging the acros have healed over the cut ends and now have new polyps there and are begining to form some lateral branches. I can't see much difference with the pocillopora except that the cut end has healed.
I've heard people say this isn't good for acros but so far mine are rockin' and I've heard of other's success as well.
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