Sustainable aquatics group buy

Sustainable aquatics group buy

  • Tuesday

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Wednsday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Saturday

    Votes: 6 60.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
OK guys/gals we got a club group buy with SA and Aquatic Critter.

Sustainable Aquatics group buy list
Scientific Name/Common Name/Availability/Price
Amphiprion ocellaris/ Fancy/ 11.00
Amphiprion ocellaris/ 10.00
Amphiprion ocellaris/ SNOWFLAKE/53.00
Amphiprion ocellaris/ Black/18.00
Amphiprion ocellaris / Black misbar/21.00
Amphiprion ocellaris / Black misbar/17.00
A. frenatus/Tomato/9.00
A. frenatus/Tomato JUMBO/8.00
A. clarkii/Clarkii/9.00
A. clarkii/Clarkii/JUMBO/8.00
A. bicinctus/Red Sea Two Band/11.00
Premnas biaculeatus/Gold Stripe Maroon/10.00
A. melanopus/Cinnamon/9.00
A. melanopus/Cinnamon JUMBO/8.00
A. latezonatus/Wide bandBlue-lip misbar/125.00
A. akallopisos/Orange Skunk/10.00
A. ephippium/Fire clown/12.00
A. nigripes Black/Foot clown/18.00

Acanthochromis polyacanthus/Orange-line Chromis/12.00

Elacatinus oceanops/ Neon Goby/ 12.00
Meiacanthus Smithi/ Disco Smith's Blenny/ 12.00
Pseudochromis / Neon Dottyback / 24.00

Tank-Raised Fish from the New Sustainable Islands (SI) Project
These select species have been collected by fishermen who depend on fishing as a means to
feed their families and villages. The fact that these fish are hand caught without the use of chemicals
at a size when they have just settled into their juvenile habitats make this method much more
sustainable. In addition, the shipping to our hatcheries is less stressful, due to their smaller size. The
end result is a fish that is "tank-raised" and fully acclimated to aquarium life with a voracious
appetite for readily available food. Our customers are quite pleased with the SI products!

Cheilodipterus isostigmus/Toothy Cardinalfish /1/11.00

Premnas biaculeatus/White Stripe Maroon Clown/50+/8.00
Amphiprion clarkii/Solomon Islands Clarkii/50+/12.00
A. perideriaon/Pink Skunk Clown/50+/11.00

Chrysiptera talboti/Talbot's Damsel/50+/6.00
Chromis viridis/Blue-Green Reef Chromis/50+/9.00
Chrysiptera cyanea/Blue Damsel/50+/5.00
Dascyllus trimaculatus/Domino Damsel/50+/5.00
Dascyllus melnaurus /Four strip damsel/ 50+/5.00
Neopomacentrus azysron/Yellowtail Demoiselle/6/5.00
Pomacentrus Similis/Similar Damselfish/ 8/6.00
Stegaster Leucostictus/ Bean Gregory Damsel / 6.00

Amblygobius phalaena/Banded Sleeper Goby/27/11.00
Amblygobius rainfordi/Rainford Goby/50+/11.00
Signigobius biocellatus/Twin Spot Goby/1/22.00
Gobiodon okinawae/Okinawa Goby/50+/11.00
Salarias Fasciatus/lawnmower Sailfin Blenny/17/9.00

Paracanthurus hepatus/Pacific Blue Hippo Tang - 1.5-2.0"/LIMITED/24.00
Zebrasoma flavescens/Yellow Tang/50+/23.00

Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura/Bluehead Fairy Wrasse/6/22.00
Halichoeres melanurus/ Hoeven's Wrasse/LIMITED/15.00
Halichoeres maculipinna/Clown Wrasse/12/9.00
Labropsis alleni/Allen's Tubelip Wrasse/1/36.00
Novaculichthys taeniourus/Dragon Wrasse Adult/1/33.00
Thalassoma lunare/Lunar Wrasse/3/15.00
Xyrichtys novacula/ Pearly Razor fish/1/21.00

Holacanthus isabelita/ Blue Angel 3"(VERY LIMITED)53.00
Holacanthus ciliars/ Queen Angel 2.25"(VERY LIMITED)68.00
Balistoides conspicillum/ Clown Trigger 2"(LIMITED)60.00
Balistoides conspicillum/ Clown Trigger 2.5"(LIMITED)75.00
Balistoides conspicillum/ Clown Trigger 3"(LIMITED)90.00
Odonus niger/ Niger Trigger/ 1 /24.00
Rhinecanthus verrucosus/Bursa Trigger(LIMITED)27.00
Rhinecanthus aculeatus/Picasso Trigger(LIMITED)33.00
Chaetodon Kleinii/Klein's butterfly/2/38.00
centropyge bicolor/Bicolor Angel(VERY LIMITED)24.00
Pseudanthias Dispar/ Dispar Anthias(LIMITED) 24.00
Lethrinus sp./ Sea Bream Emperor fish 4"+/1/15.00

I see some new fish SA.
and I haven't made a date yet for shipping but sometime next week.
but all fish will be delivered to AC for pickup.
Pretty awesome. I only wish my new tank would be ready in time. May have to catch the next one. Would be great if we could do this quarterly.
I would, but we wont be traveling to the critter anytime soon. That said, if I can find someone willing to ferry the fish from AC to close to here, please mark me down for a

Halichoeres melanurus/ Hoeven's Wrasse/LIMITED/15.00
ya can put me down for

1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ Fancy/ 11.00
1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ 10.00

want them to pair up and they should get along nicely....maybe they wil host my HA lol
I put a poll up to see what date will work for most.
One thing is we have give SA 24 hrs to put our order togather. So if we pick Friday for deliver then the need to placed The order by wednsday morning.
Thanks Zef Lucas
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ya can put me down for

1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ Fancy/ 11.00
1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ 10.00

want them to pair up and they should get along nicely....maybe they wil host my HA lol

These fish are good on eating HA.
Salarias Fasciatus/lawnmower Sailfin Blenny
yuppers zef. those are awesome little fish. full of personality.

Zef, I voted on the pole for Tuesday as we will not be there wednesday I found out. If that date doesnt work out, ill just have to hope someone from this end gets something or someone can meet me in Manchester.
Hope bart jumps in on this order. Then you'll get your wrasse. Those are good to have in a sps tank. They will eat flatworms and more pests. I'm picking one up for my 180.
yes, they are very sweet fish. Ive wanted one since I saw some in a fish store in Montgomery this past spring. and the Price cannot be beat. how are teh shipping costs being worked? I need to yell at him tomorrow and make sure he and josh both look at it. I also have some others down here that may look into it as well.
Ok Melanurus wrasse so far we got 3 I'm going to send Matt an email to hold 3 for us Lindsey, Jay and myself.
ok zef i changed it to this...will make my 10g QT a bit full but they should be fine for a few weeks in there

1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ Fancy/ 11.00
1 Amphiprion ocellaris/ 10.00
1 Salarias Fasciatus/lawnmower Sailfin Blenny/9.00
Amphiprion ocellaris/ Black/18.00 x1
Amphiprion ocellaris / Black misbar/17.00 x1
$35.00 total
the blacker the better intended on pairing them so one small and one larger if they can do that.
thanks for hooking this up Zef!
I will be out of town on Friday-Sunday