Sweet new monti, ID? Pic Inside...


Been Reefin'
Hey everyone just got a new monti and wanted to see if anyone new what it was? It's blue with red/purple polyps. I will try and get a better pic shortly...

Nice aquacultured monti I have seen tons of these latley ........Not superman but very nice anyways
ive been getting some of this stuff and it is really smoking when fully colored up!!i have 3 corals with the blue base red polyp which is the real superman you make the choice!pictures coming soon.
Thanks everyone I have also seen quite a few online, but this rig has some awesome color. I think Extremecorals.com and reefscience.com may have some.

Let's see the pics Scotty...

here is mine:

i saw them at one store selling for $220, and laughed at the price. I then went to another lfs and i got the exact same thing for less than half that. They were aquacultured, looked exaclty the same.
wow nice. mine had been broken, and a little receeded, but after 2 weeks looks lots better and healing quickly...
Oh also you can get in touch with Scott (oddballs). He has a few and is good to work with. Nice healthy corals...
Hey I like that name, and maybe it will stick. I took a good look at it yesterday and looks like the polyps are maroon to red. I will have to get another pic if I can remember my camera when I go back home...
Cool that is a good name for it too. Any pics?
Here is an updated pic of mine. I broke off the upper right edge to grow on a the rockwork...

Mine is like Dark Purple/Blue with really dark reddish purple polyps.